Recent content by mopardwh

  1. M

    you ever think about just getting out of it?

    When I took my first 2 tanks out of commission, it really made me sick to think about the thousands of dollars wasted. But it was so fun while they lasted. So now that I'm back in the hobby its go big or go home!
  2. M

    Brain coral?

    That is very cool!
  3. M

    250 conversion

    Great info. Being rectangular probably isn't the best for sharks or rays but its what I have and Im hoping to make the best of it. Off the top of my head, I wanna say its 7' x 2'? Any thoughts on compatibility with a stonefish or scorpion?
  4. M

    250 conversion

    Well I have a really great 250 reef aquarium. Love it. However I bought it used and the furniture is kind of fugly. The wood has been painted black and is peeling, the hood has odd holes, nails, rot, mold etc. So I'm swapping it out for a nice new 300 and planning to refinish the 250 furniture...
  5. M

    big problem with my styrafoam background

    The added "space" shouldn't change anything but the water level.
  6. M

    i just found out i can have mushroom corals...

    Mushrooms also spread easily, so you might start in one spot and they populate throughout on their own. They really don't require any care.
  7. M

    HELP Precision Marine Skimmer

    Awesome. Do you have any more pictures or info?
  8. M

    New addition. Superman Mushrooms. *Large Pics Warning*

    Exactly. 20 lbs at my LFS = $100
  9. M

    HELP Precision Marine Skimmer

    Well I take it this skimmer is fairly old. It was really dirty when I got it. However no pump was hooked up. I did find a NIB pump in all the junk that came with the tank, but I haven't been able to get it primed. I'm not sure this is even the right pump. I don't even know the model number and...
  10. M

    Water quality recommendations

    Those results were from the 6th. Here are results from just now: PH 8.2 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0!! Calcium 520 KH 161.1 Phosphate 1.0 Salinity 1.023 temp 81 I couldn't believe the nitrates went to zero, so I retested. Sure enough, ZERO. Very happy about that I noticed after I bought the...
  11. M

    Water quality recommendations

    I posted a newbee thread already, but I figured I'd make this one more specific. 250g, purchased and moved last weekend. I tested everything two days after the move and here are the results; PH 8.0 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 80 Calcium 520 KH...
  12. M

    New addition. Superman Mushrooms. *Large Pics Warning*

    So the shrooms were free! Sweet.
  13. M

    What is you favorite fish and why?

    I'd have to pick the longnose hawkish I had. That little guy was so awesome. He wagged his tail and had the personality of a dog sometimes when you came around. Super cool.
  14. M

    School me on 250 gal

    Also, it has 4 T5 bulbs and 3 metal halide lamps down the middle. What cycle times and bulb types do you recommend for each. And my main objective right now is cleanliness, so I plan to replace the filters but don't know much about the setup. Is it safe to replace them all at once, and what can...
  15. M

    School me on 250 gal

    First off, I'm not exactly a newbee. I was a member for a few years when I had a nice 55 gal and nano reef tanks. Apparently I was deleted though, as that was about 5 years ago when I rid of everything due to insufficient time to care for them. Well as of yesterday, I'm back in the hobby after...