Recent content by mr-led

  1. mr-led

    Lion fish not eating,

    My wife and I do use FD krill as part of their diet. My trigger and my wife's eels love them. My wife does more often than me, pre-soaks them in vatamins. Would this still not be recommended? Any suggestions for alternatives and getting the the eels to switch if needed?
  2. mr-led

    Need some ideas or advice for a Honeycomb Eel

    I decided to trade mine in to the lfs. I did get a small SFE and is currently in my wife's tank and doing fine. In mine I now have a Passer Angel, a Huma trigger and a couple Yellow Tangs and a Neon Dottyback. All are doing fine. I have added water supply and drain where my tank will be to...
  3. mr-led

    300 Gallon Fish Compatability Chart?

    I have heard that the Humas go 'postal' when they get older and will assinate everyone in the tank overnight. I bought one in a whim and found this out later. The angels might work best if you add them at the same time. I am also in the same boat as you. I currently have: a Passer Angel...
  4. mr-led

    Need some ideas or advice for a Honeycomb Eel

    Hi Everyone I'm brand new to this forum, but not to the aquarium hobby. My wife and I have had fish and multiple tanks for 25yrs. My wife likes community type fish both fresh and saltwater. I like the monsters! I used to have a 450G freshwater tank with catfish and pacu's. Here's my newest...