Need some ideas or advice for a Honeycomb Eel


New Member
Hi Everyone
I'm brand new to this forum, but not to the aquarium hobby. My wife and I have had fish and multiple tanks for 25yrs. My wife likes community type fish both fresh and saltwater. I like the monsters! I used to have a 450G freshwater tank with catfish and pacu's.
Here's my newest challenge. I recently acquired a 75G saltwater tank with a 26-28" Honeycomb eel for free! It was more or less a rescue. An elder lady's son abbandoned the tank and eel and his mom has been feeding it and no maintenance other than adding water to the tank. She was moving and needed to get rid of this setup. I went and visited the fish not knowing what kind of eel it was. I saw it and wanted it! When I got home I did a search to find what I was getting into. I got a new monster and saved them a lot of grief down the road. The wife and I got it home safely and is doing quite well.
Here's my game plan, I am building a 350G tank this summer for a new home. I want to have some other fish as well. I have a local fish store looking for an adequate size panther grouper that I can keep seperate to fast grow it sinse they are fast growers. I'm wondering what else could work sinse the eel is about 28" long. My wife has a Passer Angel in her 120G SW tank that may eventually go into my tank.
The other advice/info I could use is, what will it be like working in the tank with a 4-5' or more eel? Right now it's not shy and seems to like being played with, I'm wearing a thick scuba glove. But when it gets older?


These guys are quite the interesting tank partners. I have had one in a 200 gallon for almost 16 years. I have never had an issue with him wanting to go after me when I did any tank service. I am carefull to encourage him to move when he is on the side I need to be on. He is now right around five feet, and as big around as my arm. To tankmates, he is in with a Stars & Stripes puffer, a Naso Tang, and a Huma Trigger. Depending on your eel, these may or may not work for you. When mine was that size, he made short work of three Yellow Tangs before I realized it. Good luck.


New Member
I decided to trade mine in to the lfs. I did get a small SFE and is currently in my wife's tank and doing fine. In mine I now have a Passer Angel, a Huma trigger and a couple Yellow Tangs and a Neon Dottyback. All are doing fine. I have added water supply and drain where my tank will be to make water changes simpler. I will start contruction on the new tank late Spring- early Summer.
My game plan once the tank is ready for some fish is to start off with about six clownfish. Then add three addition yellow tangs with my current two into the tank. Then find a similar sized Koran Angel and add together with the Passer Angel. At some point would like to add a Coral Cat Shark, a Dog faced Puffer, a couple Powder Tangs and the last one to maybe add is a Banana Wrasse.
Any thoughts on my mix and order of adding?


Even with a larger tank, like the 350 gallon you mentioned, I think you will be overly crowded with the numbers you listed.