Recent content by saltfinsax

  1. saltfinsax

    catching a fish?

    If the tank isent to large, its faster and easer on the fish to just drain the water till you can scoop it out. Then fill it back up right away.
  2. saltfinsax

    Shells shifting

    Well thigs are starting to look better for the guy. I would try and move the shells back before the lights went out so he would least stand a little bit of chance at closeing and keeping stuff out. Today it seems the shells are starting to move back.
  3. saltfinsax

    Shells shifting

    Nothing had dropped on him. It has been getting farther off in the last 4 days all the way to what it is now. I had even picked him up after a couple days and was able to gently move them back and he closed up fine and was back open in five or ten min. Then the more he opened and closed the...
  4. saltfinsax

    Shells shifting

    Forgot the pic.
  5. saltfinsax

    Shells shifting

    Bright light havent came on yet, but you can see the shells are off left and right and has moved down fromeach other as well. His isent doing real well this morning as I messed with him late last night. I am sure he isent going to last much longer with the shells doing this.
  6. saltfinsax

    Shells shifting

    I got a Derasa from a trade about a 3 weeks ago and it has been looking better every day. But in that last few day I have niticed his shells starting to shift so that they don't line up right and he can't close all the way. I have inspected it for snails on the bottem and for holes from a...
  7. saltfinsax

    Weird Algae????

    Isent that was some call mat algae? I think there is a big thread about growing that in your sump on a sheet to take Nitrate outs I think. I think it might be the same stuff I get on the top of my overflow boxxes.
  8. saltfinsax

    cool plant

    Cool thanks Spanko. It dosent look like it gets too tall.
  9. saltfinsax

    cool plant

    I don't think I have ever seen this one growing. Kinda hope the snail dies so I can put the shell someplace to grow.
  10. saltfinsax

    Best Equpment?

    Ok I am trying to see if what I just bought was money well spent. I am posting this here being that I am after reef tank equpment stuff. What was the best item that you got for your tank that stabilized your system the most?
  11. saltfinsax

    Coral Question

    KILL the GSP while you still have a chance. Once the GSP get started its a fight to keep them cut back. I have to scrape about doller bill size out every other month to keep them from growing over my red zoe's.
  12. saltfinsax

    is it true that you can give mandrin dragonets fish roe?

    Not sure that would be the best for that fish. Unless you watch him very well to see if he even eats its, thats not good diet for the fish and my die. Best bett is to spend 15 bucks or so and get a bag of copepods for him to eat and that should get you a good start on your pop populationas well.
  13. saltfinsax

    calcium reactor

    In a nut shell, the coral media that you put in the reactor is saterated with CO2 and that starts dissolving it back into its liquid form Calcium and other trace elements.
  14. saltfinsax

    New 125 start

    I thought I would post a update one my tank after a about a year into it. Trying to go as slow as I can and wish I would have started out buying sps's before the softy's as most the sps's take so long to get up and going. But haveing a ball with the tank so far. Wife is getting jealous from me...
  15. saltfinsax

    Devilhand help

    When will it ever stop? Well I though I would up date some stuff. My devilhand just keep dropping more and more fingers all the time. funny thing is he heals up as fast as he drops them off, and dosent seem like it slows him down one bit and stands up and looks full every day. Not sure how many...