Recent content by shane784

  1. shane784

    anyone interested in building a scrubber for me?

    probably jus some hanging shop lights??
  2. shane784

    anyone interested in building a scrubber for me?

    Wow ! I can't thank you enough! I'm anxious to get going Green. ppl have said when using scrubbers they haven't done water changes in months! can't wait to spare myself the trouble
  3. shane784

    anyone interested in building a scrubber for me?

    Yes it would be a 9 inch screen
  4. shane784

    anyone interested in building a scrubber for me?

    Hello it would be a max width of 9" +/- 1/4"
  5. shane784

    anyone interested in building a scrubber for me?

    very sorry to hear of your troubles; but yes, I'm still looking for one :) keep me posted
  6. shane784

    How to size a T5 light bulb, so that I can replace it.

    Once u read the manual you will understand me; but - set your AUTOMATIC program to reach a MAXIMUM of 50% for time points 5 and 6 and place all ur corals on the tank floor run this for atleast 3-4 weeks before increasing MAX to 60% or higher depending on how they are reacting
  7. shane784

    How to size a T5 light bulb, so that I can replace it.

    You will like it. I have the 20" 16k
  8. shane784

    Green Hair Algae

    Is this a reef tank or a FOWLR
  9. shane784

    Green Hair Algae

    R u using a refugium/
  10. shane784

    Getting a young pair of clowns ?s

    I would wait longer but yes its ok to put clowns in. their survival isn't dependant on an anemone and an anemone isn't dependant on the clowns.
  11. shane784

    Very odd behavior (video)

    How low does ur pH drop at dead night?
  12. shane784

    need help deciding 72" light fixture

    I don't really have a budget persay but I live paycheck to paycheck and I would like something that wouldn't take too long to get quickly. in my tank I want lots of zoas and lps and a few colorful Acroporas so I want something cheap and powerfull now without spending a lot to buy some time to...
  13. shane784

    need help deciding 72" light fixture

    I have a 125 gallon I will need a light for. I know I want to upgrade to 3 AI Vega Colors in the future but I need something now to stall while saving up. all suggestions please
  14. shane784

    Maxspect Razor: Day 0

    So I did some rearranging today and took some things out to free up some space. I've had about 6 frags of zoas on a rock about midway up the tank and they've been shy since the LEDs so I mounted them on the floor - we'll see how the act.
  15. shane784

    Maxspect Razor: Day 0

    this is the fuxture at noon; 50% MAX intensity for acclimation. probly gna leave it do this for about a week or so then increase MAX slowly.