Wow ! I can't thank you enough! I'm anxious to get going Green. ppl have said when using scrubbers they haven't done water changes in months! can't wait to spare myself the trouble
Once u read the manual you will understand me; but - set your AUTOMATIC program to reach a MAXIMUM of 50% for time points 5 and 6 and place all ur corals on the tank floor run this for atleast 3-4 weeks before increasing MAX to 60% or higher depending on how they are reacting
I don't really have a budget persay but I live paycheck to paycheck and I would like something that wouldn't take too long to get quickly. in my tank I want lots of zoas and lps and a few colorful Acroporas so I want something cheap and powerfull now without spending a lot to buy some time to...
I have a 125 gallon I will need a light for. I know I want to upgrade to 3 AI Vega Colors in the future but I need something now to stall while saving up.
all suggestions please
So I did some rearranging today and took some things out to free up some space. I've had about 6 frags of zoas on a rock about midway up the tank and they've been shy since the LEDs so I mounted them on the floor - we'll see how the act.