anyone interested in building a scrubber for me?



I'm going to make it 9 inch screen an hope you can fit it in there.


I completed the scrubber tonight. I'm going to leave all of the joints unglued just in case it doesn't fit. You can actually use it unglued like mine, but I recommend glueing at least the legs. I've included a spare set of shorter feet in case ths one is too wide if you need to go diagonal.
You can glue everything but the top pipe which does completely out for cleaning once a week.
I'll get it in the mail in the am :)


Wow ! I can't thank you enough! I'm anxious to get going Green. ppl have said when using scrubbers they haven't done water changes in months! can't wait to spare myself the trouble


I still advocate doing water changes, but more to replenish the things that corals need to thrive and not as much for getting rid of the nasties.
I've gone for over 6 months without a water change and just dosing in calcium and trace elements but you start to notice detritus buildup after a while and it doesn't look as clean.
But overall you should be able to reduce the WC schedule as long as your corals are getting what they need.
I hope it fits ok.
Did you figure out what lights to use? it's designed to be lighted on both sides.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by shane784 http:///t/393707/anyone-interested-in-building-a-scrubber-for-me/40#post_3519166
Wow ! I can't thank you enough! I'm anxious to get going Green. ppl have said when using scrubbers they haven't done water changes
in months! can't wait to spare myself the trouble
That is absolutely true because 1) water changes will limit but not correct buildups and 2) regardless of the water changes, the macro and other algaes will balance out and more importantly stabilize operation to where ammonia, nitrates, phosphates are all unmeausreable (with the exception of a nitrate spike when cycling) and return oxygen.
My old 55g with a simple in tank refugium ran for 9 years with no water changes and what most considered a heavy bioload. And using tap water to boot with easy soft type corals also. During that time I used less the 3 50g bags of saltwater mix.
Sure you can still do water changes, and I did use the diy two part to maintain calcium, alk, and magnesium. Just that IME the overriding key is balancing out and stabilizing the system with plant life like macro and other algaes. That will result in much better and more stable parameters then any water change schedule the home hobbist finds acceptable.
my .02


You will need something that points towards the screens from either side.
Your screen is about the same sizer as mine I'm a little underlit so I don't get great growth at the edges but good right in the center and sufficient for what i have in the tank.
I use a 2700k 27w cfl (spiraly bulb) on each side with a work light/shop light type reflectors the kind that you buy at home depot that have the round reflector and the big clip on the bottom. these seems to work pretty good.
I would think a similar setup would be super. make sure and get them right up by the screen within about 4 inches. If you get yellowing you have the bulbs a little too close and they are heating/burning the algae.
also, as mentioned before, make sure you apply at least 35g per inch of screen to the pipe so that's at least 315 gph pump you will need. best to go too large than too small.