Recent content by zippgirl

  1. zippgirl

    High Range PH Color chart PLEASE?! scroll down the page they have pictures of the color cards, I tried to copy and paste the picture but it didn't work, so I hope SWF don't mind this link, if so please delete. This is the title: API PH Low Range and High Range Test Kit Instructions...
  2. zippgirl

    omg!!! please help me asap!!!!!!!

    If I was you, I would also get a Calcium and alkalinty test kit, your LFS should be spanked for selling you a 2 part dosing kit and not telling to test for these first. You may not need the 2 part system. If you do weekly water changes you may find you have sufficient cal and alk. I would also...
  3. zippgirl

    Anemones and copepods

    Your clown and angel need other foods, such as frozen mysis, and saltwater formulas. My anemone went to the bottom and in the back of the tank, I also can't spot feed it and it is not getting the full intensity of my T5s, but it seems to be doing ok. It was a little bleached when I got it and it...
  4. zippgirl

    calibrating refractometer

    I am most likely wrong here, but I thought the calibrating fluid was suppose to come to 36 ppt (1.026), which might make your distilled water come up right, if it wasn't set for 1.025. But I'm not sure though, just thought I read it some where. I bought some calibration fluid and checked mine...
  5. zippgirl

    Diatom Bloom, and Hair Algae

    I am no expert but maybe you should increase you light time on the cheato. I also run on a reverse cycle but I light my cheato for 16 hrs a day. It runs from 8pm to 12 noon the next day. I don't think it could hurt so maybe give it a try, after you get other opinions.
  6. zippgirl

    Post your 55-75g Reef fishlist

    I have a 75 gal: 4 red firefish 1 yellow tang 2 ocellaris clowns 1 bangaii cardinal 1 orange spotted goby 1 wheelers goby 1 yellow clown goby 1 court jester goby 1 very fat scooter blenny almost forgot 1 filament wrasse corals are softies and LPS
  7. zippgirl

    Different-ish Clownfish?

    I have no experience with this, but I have seen a few people who have done it successfully.
  8. zippgirl

    Damsel Digging?

    Every clown I have ever owned and in the past when I had damsels, have done this, drives me insane. But I don't know why they do it. I thought is was just a way of marking there territory. My clowns have always done the sand fanning near where they host. Just speculation though.
  9. zippgirl

    Bubble Walls in salt water tank?

    Just want to share my experience, I also think that bubble wands look pretty even though a lot of people don't. I can not speak for the technical side of the affect on the fish, but when I first started (and this was with a glass canopy) I did the bubble wand (very pretty) but OMG the salt...
  10. zippgirl

    Whats the diffrence?????

    With FOWLR you don't HAVE to have it, just may come in handy. If I were you I would start with kit # 1, and if later you have algea problems or if coraline starts to turn white then you could get the other two test kits. Frequent water change should take care of calcium and keep phospates down...
  11. zippgirl

    Fish and aging

    Xcali1985, thank you for sharing the info from you father, I think that is some of the best advice I have seen. I guess good flow would be the same as us exercising and staying healthy, I just never thought of it that way. Thank you.
  12. zippgirl

    Whats the diffrence?????

    For FOWLR you need test kit # 1, if you decide to do corals then you could add in test kit # 2. When I had FOWLR there was a time when my coraline(spelling) algea started turning white, so I needed a calcium test kit. If you start having an outbreak of bad algea then you may need a phosphate kit...
  13. zippgirl

    thinnest algae scraper

    Us a thin stick, like they use for kabob (spelling) grilling and instead of a razor, attach a piece of cloth or reef safe sponge. I think it should work.
  14. zippgirl

    New Tomato clown won't eat. Please help

    Can you try and feed him some fozen foods, like mysis until he gets acclimated and then switch him to you pellet and flake foods. Just something you could try if you wanted.
  15. zippgirl

    Seahorse and scorps and shrimp, Oh My!!

    I love your tanks, I love the use of grape and feather caulerpa. I hope you don't mind a few questions. I would love to set up my 29gal with some greenery (caulerpa), but I have heard nothing but bad things about it going sexual and destroying a tank. Do you have any problems with that, do you...