Recent content by zoie2

  1. zoie2

    I need help saving tank

    Updated photo, I changed some of the coral around, I cant believe how good everything is doing. Amazing what happens when you actually take care of a tank instead of neglecting it ;) I got a little candy cane coral and a cleaner shrimp.
  2. zoie2

    I need help saving tank

    Tank is comming along nice. Briopsis is dying and I'm still tweezing it off. My fish is happy and my corals are getting happy. They are opening up more than they have in a long time.
  3. zoie2

    I need help saving tank

    Ahh, thanks. I should be getting my calibration solution soon. I don't dare do anything until I can test it accurately. thanks for all the help everyone
  4. zoie2

    I need help saving tank

    Stupid ?- how? Just by adding a little more salt at wc?
  5. zoie2

    I need help saving tank

    I had my water tested at LFS (not a dip strip) amonia, trates, trites and phosphates were all 0. PH was a little low and salinity was fine (1.02). But if I remember corectly the algae feeds off the phosphates so it's normal for that tobe 0. I have been doing water changes and got a new...
  6. zoie2

    More troubles

  7. zoie2

    I need help saving tank

    I got all the hair algae/briopsis off my back wall today. Still a little cloudy. Every one is mad so I think I will let it be for a bit. I thought with all the moving things around my nitrates/nitrites might go up, but still 0.
  8. zoie2

    ? on clown fish

    Ohhhhh, I thought that fish ALWAYS had ick, and that when stressed, they can have "an outbreak ". That makes me feel better, and no, no fish ever with ick. Thanks guys
  9. zoie2

    ? on clown fish

    I have been doing a lot of work on my tank trying to get rid of an outbreak of hair algae and briopsis. I have been pulling coral out to tweeze the briopsis off the rock, I had to catch my clown today to work on the tank. My question is- could all this cause him to get stressed and get ick...
  10. zoie2

    water ?

    Okay, thanks
  11. zoie2

    water ?

    I made up 2 gal of water for a water change, I have a half gallon left. How long will that last?
  12. zoie2

    More troubles

    I hope your fish is o kay
  13. zoie2

    I need help saving tank

    My new tank is on it's way :) It should be here Tuesday
  14. zoie2

    My 600 gallon reef tank

    What are the demensions? That is awesome.
  15. zoie2

    New tank- 29 gal nano- simple and easy

    If you get like a 29 gal jbj or the Bio cubes, they come with the lighting. Sounds like you just want softies, so the stock lighting would be fine. It also comes with it's own pump. Some people upgrade the pump. I have the 12 gal jbj nano cube and it comes with a 900, but I think I upgraded...