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  1. realmling

    can you use home depot sand?

    Thank you very much for the clarification on that! We'd gone to quite a few sites gathering info before starting our brackish tank and most said play sand was fine...but they never gave any brands (or the husband didn't retain that info to pass it on)...and the selection around here was...
  2. realmling

    Compatible with P. imperator?

    I've been doing some long term reasearch for a future SW tank to add to our family eventually, and one thing I know for sure is that it will house a Pomocanthus imperator. I have wanted one forever...and I come here regularly to stare longingly at the order page. (never mind the moray...
  3. realmling

    can you use home depot sand?

    If you just want sand for having sand, some of the stuff at Home Depot will work fine. HOWEVER, let me share with you the most recent experience with such as the husband and I just set up a tank for our brackish community. (In other words...learn from our little experience and your's will go...