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  1. 72olds455

    water cloudy slightly milky looking?

    Anybody know why this might be happening? I did unplug the skimmer for two days because it was adding alot of tiny air bubbles to the tank but that has been fixed and I just turned it back on. Will this clear it up? Thanks David
  2. 72olds455

    clown fish is swimming kinda funny

    Nevermind, the wife just called he is dead. Is shipping stress to blame? The puffer looked like he had been dead awhile when we opened the package. Thanks David
  3. 72olds455

    clown fish is swimming kinda funny

    Just got several fish shipped and most seem to be doing ok a saddleback puffer was DOA and now the clown fish is swimming funny. He is hanging around in the powerhead current and swins straingt up then will flop over??? Is he on his way out? Water temp excetra are okay and I acclimated for 2...
  4. 72olds455

    Can I get my own snails and hermits?

    I live near the gulf of mexico and dive the jetties alot and there are alot of snails, and hermits are not too hard to find either. Thanks David
  5. 72olds455

    Just moved tank now has algae

    Just bought a 75gal established tank and set it up. Within a day it has grown a think layer af light brown algae on the sand. It also came with green algae on the live rocks. Any cleaning tips? The animals are 1 blue tang, 3 sally light foots, 10 turbo snails, & 8 hermits. I will buy more...