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  1. angel237

    Just some questions.

    I am a new hobbiest. I have a 29g Biocube, all stock options, no skimmer. 79temp, 16lbs live rock, live sand, and 1lb live rock in the back middle compartment. It's my first week of the cycling process, AND MY lfs TOLD ME TO LEAVE THE FLORSCENT LIGHT ON 24HRS, AND THE NIGHT LIGHT 2-3 HOURS A...
  2. angel237

    Live Rock and cycling questions

    Hey everyone! I am new to the hobby and have some questions... I have a biocube 29g. with all stock options. Live sand. and 16lbs of live rock. I also took advice from some of you with a biocube and put live rock instead of the bioballs. My temp is at 79. and I have been cycling for the past...