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  1. tjsimon88

    Changing Bulbs

    Just wondering, when do you change your bulbs to new ones? How do you when to change them?
  2. tjsimon88

    Calcium and Alkalinity test

    I am ready to get some corals, interested in soft corals. What should the readings on the Calcium test and Alkalinity test should be? Is there any other tests I should get. Interested in Zoo's what type of flow do they like?
  3. tjsimon88

    ready to begin my coral adventure

    Being a newbie to Coral I am clueless on the Iodine part, what does it do for the Coral?
  4. tjsimon88

    ready to begin my coral adventure

    Alright I am ready to go to the next step. Corals. I have a 24 gal. with 65 watt 10k and actinic lighting. I was planning on starting with some soft corals. My question is on water testing, besides the basic tests PH, Ammonia, Nitrites and Nitrates what other water tests should I perform...
  5. tjsimon88

    new lights.

    Just purchased new lighting for my 20 gal. 65 Watt 10k with 65 watt Actinic and lunar lights. Currently I have FOWLR no coral as of yet. I have the regular stock lights that came with the tank. Do I have to climate the fish to the new and brighter lights, if so what would the timing be?
  6. tjsimon88

    Reef Light timing cycle

    Just purchased new lighting for my 20 gal. 65 Watt 10k with 65 watt Actinic and lunar lights. Not knowing what a normal timing cycle is for a reef tank, I was hoping to get some help. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Do I leave the dat light bulbs on with the Actinic lights? or do...
  7. tjsimon88

    Cleaner shrimp molted

    New to the the salt water fish hobby. After the cleaner shrimp molts do you leave the molt in the tank and let the cleaning crew take care of it, or should you remove it?
  8. tjsimon88

    Actinic lights and Lunar Moon lights

    New to the salt water fish world. I have a 20Gal set up for about 6 months looking at what type of lighting would be good for this tank. Right now its a FOWLR looking to add some corals to it. What is the difference between the Actinic lights and Lunar lights? Do they serve the same purpose...
  9. tjsimon88

    what type of corals

    New to the salt water fish. What is a 50/50 lighting
  10. tjsimon88

    what type of corals

    I have a 20 Gal FOWLR. Is there any corals that I can add with just the stock lights that came with the tank. New lights are a budget issue but plan on upgrading, but wanting to add corals, if so what would be a coral that would be good for this situation. The tank has been set up for about 6...
  11. tjsimon88

    Live Sand vs Crushed Coral

    Thanks for the info. Next question, is there a certain way that the LS needs to be added to the tank. Just getting started with the set up. Do I need to rinse the LS before hand? Also do I add the LR at the same time as I do the LS? or does the LS need time to settle?
  12. tjsimon88

    Live Sand vs Crushed Coral

    Long time reader first time poster. I am planning to start up a 20 gal. nano reef tank and noticed alot of talk about Live Sand what is if any the pros and cons of LS over crushed coral? Does it matter in that size of tank, I am planning on getting live rock. Is there any fish that cleans...