its already dead rock i just noticed that there were sand particles all over it and i wasn't sure if i coul rinse it off i bought rock from a stone company to turn into live rock
i bought rock todayto put in with my live rock in my tank that is cycling how would u suggest introducing this rock to my tank should i rinse it off with fresh water in a bucket first????
i have a 55 gal cycling right now and i am just researchin the fish that i want right now. I am going to have a fish only tank and i was wondering wat ur opinions were chocolate chip starfish
yes i was told i have a male and a female but how do u tell because i plan on getting more and like i said i am new at this so wat am i looking at for water quality and a good diet??????
i just put an air pump with the air rock thing a the end of it and about how long was it untill u put them into the regular tank again ( or untill they were half the size)
i am very new at this whole hobby i just set up a 55 sw tank last night and i have had a 10 gal fw tank for a while and when i got home from shopping today i had a bout twenty little mollies swimming around in my tank. so i caught all the babies and put them in a seperate ten gallon tank smart...
I have got a 55gal salt water tank no fish yet and its cycling right now my question is that i want to have a community tank but my wife wants a shark is there any kind of small shark that i can get that isn't very aggressive thanks alex