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  1. bader

    SCSInet's 180g Reef Build!

    i want to know how you plumbed that whole tank i know you had t's for extras just wondering how you did it
  2. bader

    sump questions

    i have a design for my sump and i need to know the height of the baffles and witch chamber will the evaporation show up in it is a 30 gal tank with a mag 9.5 in the last chamber and a octo nw150 skimmer. i need about 8-9 gallons for verflow space from dt.
  3. bader

    Coral Keepers 8 gall bio cube reef tank diary.

    whats your current stock list
  4. bader

    12 gallon aquapod questions

    thanks for the help
  5. bader

    LR & LS Question.

    o you mean bristle worms and matis shrimp
  6. bader

    LR & LS Question.

    what does true live rock have that base rock cant get?
  7. bader

    12 gallon aquapod questions

    i have a 9 gal nanowave and im trying to figure out how many snails and crabs to put in i was thinkin 10 turbos a couple nas and maby 10 hermits
  8. bader

    what can i get

    what corals would i be able to get for my 75 if i have a icecap t5 4 bulb system some one told me they would be about 85 watts with indivual reflectors
  9. bader


    i want to put about a 2.5 to 3 in sand bed in my tank and i dont know if i should go with sugar sand or aragamax select
  10. bader

    nano stocking

  11. bader

    nano stocking

    i want to get my clean up crew and fish from swf in 2 purchases but i am worried that with a $79 min order i will have to put to much bio load on my tank at one time if i add the clean up crew first will that help with making more bactieria and if not how can i supercharge my bacteria
  12. bader

    dsb sand?

    what sand should i get for a dsb in my 75g i have heard alot about home depot sand and then theres carib sea but what size grains want it to be cheap and i can seed it from my nano
  13. bader

    dumb lighting question, but...

    spin the bulb till the pins line up with the slots
  14. bader


    what is a good sand that is dead white and good for a dsb (argomax what size grans
  15. bader

    questions about T5 lights and fixtures

    from what i have herd an icecap 4 bulb retro will blow away the nova extreme pro
  16. bader

    cycling ?

    just put 12lbs lr and 10lbs ls in my 9 gal and tested for amonia the next day it was some where around 6 or 8 ppm then tested 2 days later 0 amonia and nitrites are realy high but now there is brown algae all over is that right why wouldnt the lr and ls help out that much
  17. bader

    sump design

  18. bader

    clowns pair

    i want to get a B&W clown but i was thinking about getting a Ocellaris too would they be ok together or should i get to of one kind
  19. bader

    sump design

    i need a design for a 30 gal sump for my 75g i want a flow through design and a bubble trap at the begining internal pump probibly mag 9,5 t'd back with ball valve need baffle measurements and compartment measurements was planning on using and euro reef rs80 or and octopus nw150
  20. bader

    75 gal lighting

    if i had a canopy with an icecap 660 and 4 t5s would that be better than the pro