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  1. thebosch11

    TheBosch11's 29 Gallon Aquarium

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer Well don't forget to post pics when you get them....will it be next week? By Wednesday
  2. thebosch11

    TheBosch11's 29 Gallon Aquarium

    I have and i used it not to long ago. Turned the light off and could see for crap tho lol. BTW Ordered bunch of macros, i got four
  3. thebosch11

    TheBosch11's 29 Gallon Aquarium

    Before I start talking, here is some details about my setup: My Fish 2 Occellaris Clownfish 1 Firefish 1 Randall's Shrimp Goby My Invertebrates Tiger Pistol Shrimp CUC My Corals Rainbow Paly GSP (Starting to regain color, Bleached)...
  4. thebosch11

    "Where's Waldo" game - aka find the lawn-mower blenny

    I have no clue, beng partially colorblind sucks
  5. thebosch11

    "Where's Waldo" game - aka find the lawn-mower blenny

    Top Left, poking his/her had out?
  6. thebosch11

    New 28G Nano Cube for Horses :)

    Under my umbrella. LOL
  7. thebosch11

    Green algae taking over

    If its really bad, get an emerald Crab or two, they will also keep and bubble algae that might pop up away.
  8. thebosch11

    is it too early to add "the big 20" CUC reef pack from

    Meowzer, Coral Bandeds Arent always mean. Min was super nice and actually live with my firefish before it died. Then again, I always end up with weird specimens.
  9. thebosch11

    Astrea snails from SWF??

    It could b from a couple minutes to 3 days.
  10. thebosch11

    Astrea snails from SWF??

    The litttle to no water makes the snails go dormant or into "hibernation" mode giving them a better survival chance from shipping. Manysites will do this.
  11. thebosch11

    125gal Gulf Estuary Vivarium, feedback wanted

    I think the shelf may a bit hard to do. why not try for a beach. Also, it would allow for a higher sanbed for seagrasses
  12. thebosch11

    Leopard sharks??

    Just checked, Illegal to catch leopard sharks under 3 feet
  13. thebosch11

    Red Chili Coral - Please Help

    This is a type of coral you add to a empty cave. The light can kill it.
  14. thebosch11

    New Tank, Mean Fish

    PLZZZZZZZZZZ wait to add fish, oyu want to wait for your tank to catch up with th bioload before anything. I wait for about 3 weeks between additions and you seems like yur just bloing through. Patince is the key my friend. Ohh, yes plz return the damsel, thy may seem cute at first but they...
  15. thebosch11

    is it too early to add "the big 20" CUC reef pack from

    You may be able to get some if you are prepared to do a couple water changes, otherwise wait another week so you tank can hve time to settle down from the fish addition. Even if your parameters are good, if you do add something to soon, the bioload will catch up and in te end possibly crash...
  16. thebosch11

    BTLDreef's 180 Tank Build

    Ummm, i would never give it away, I rescued it along with another that were stuck in a 55 gallon aquarium that were in my school. The other one was 1'3" but passsed away, I Buried him in my yard
  17. thebosch11

    BTLDreef's 180 Tank Build

    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef ahh, one day, one day You should turn that 90 into a salt tank!!! Andget rid of a 1' catfish or stuff it in a 10 gallon aquarium? No way. I also have Silver Dollars in there that are about 5" each and Rainbowfish which are abou 3".
  18. thebosch11

    BTLDreef's 180 Tank Build

    My parents getpissed at me for asking for another :( I have a 29 salt and 10 and 90 fresh
  19. thebosch11

    Pls dont laugh... But was my urchin pooing or laying baby urchin eggs.......

    I hope you don't mistake the "nuggets" for food.
  20. thebosch11

    29 Gallon Aquarium

    TY, and probaly yes, i just had a bit of trouble, I forgot the emedding image code so had to just use the insert image tool.