Astrea snails from SWF??

I have a question regarding the astrea snail purchased from this site. I just received a "reef package" with 20 or so astrea snails. The bag they were in did not have any water in it...only 20 or so drops of water. Is it OK for these snails to be shipped this way? I have always gotten them at the LFS and they have been in some tank water. I am in the process of acclimating them now, but I just don't feel well about their chances...Am I off? Can someone give me some insight as to what I can expect? I may have to make use of their return policy if they don't make it....


YES they always come w/o water.....what I do is temp acclimate them, and then I add a little of my tank water


New Member
The litttle to no water makes the snails go dormant or into "hibernation" mode giving them a better survival chance from shipping. Manysites will do this.
Wow, OK I had no idea about a hibernation mode. I temp/then drip acclimated them for 2+hours and put them in the tank. They are all rightside up on the sandbed but have not moved in like 5 hours....About how long does it take them to come out of hibernation mode? How long will it take for me to know whether or not they have survived??