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  1. clintain

    Filter Media

    What kind of salt do you all use and what type of test kits do you recommend? Reason I ask is there are some online places having Black Friday sales and Im hoping these might be a sale item. And fish food?...for the ghost feeding.
  2. clintain

    Filter Media

    How much live rock do you think? I know its roughly a pound per gallon but could I go to the low side of that since its so small? And yes, BTLD is correct, it is fully cured.
  3. clintain

    Filter Media

    Thanks a lot...both of you. I knew that didn't sound right.
  4. clintain

    Filter Media

    Thanks a lot. I don't have any intentions of getting any coral very soon. I just got this tank to get my feet wet and see if I like it. How long should I have the live rock and sand before any fish? The guy at the fish store said if I got my live rock from them I wouldn't have to cycle my tank...
  5. clintain

    Filter Media

    Sounds good. Now when you say any other coral would require more lighting...I plan on upgrading to the 50/50 power compact you recommended. Does that change anything? Still, I plan on starting very slow but I was just wondering.
  6. clintain

    Filter Media

    CLOWNS! Who doesn't like em? haha. If I understand correctly I can get a black and white and another from the a false percula or maybe a snowflake? Id really like a clown goby as well. Would that be possible if I keep up with water changes and fresh filter media? And what would...
  7. clintain

    Filter Media

    Thanks. I've been reading. I have the Conscientious Aquarists but I like tips and tricks from experienced individuals who have tried different things as well. I also like to hear different product reviews
  8. clintain

    Filter Media

    Thanks a lot. Any specific brand on the light? And when you say half at a time u mean half the quantity of the media right? What about the foam cubes...rinse all, 1, or 2? Which chamber would you add GFO and live rock to? Put the GFO in a little sack like the pics I have posted? And how many...
  9. clintain

    Filter Media

    She said it has a 10K bulb but she didn't say what kind, I haven't taken it out yet to look...she told me about every little thing that was wrong with it and threw in an extra pump so I figured why would she lie. The pic of the filter media is everything described as it came out of the tank. The...
  10. clintain

    Filter Media

    Basic. Few softies and a couple clowns eventually. Im brand new. Can you elaborate on the media you mentioned...which chamber and such. Also, any suggestion on a light upgrade...something to handle some easy corals but nothing for the complicated ones? And I was already planning on a powerhead...
  11. clintain

    Filter Media

    I bought a used 12 gallon nano the other day. In the first chamber there were 3 foam blocks and what looks like a small sack of live rock rubble or crushed coral, in the second chamber there was a sack of carbon pieces, a sack of small plastic tubes or some sort, 7 black pieces of plastic kinda...
  12. clintain

    Cleaning Used Tank and supplies

    I just bought a used 12 gallon Nano. It came with 20 lbs of sand, the filter media, pumps, lights,etc...My question right now just concerns cleaning it. How would you go about it? I've read that washing the sand in bleach then rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse...? And what about the different...
  13. clintain

    Used 12 gallon Nano

    well the guy never responded when i asked about the equipment so I've been lookin around online and a lot of places have specials going on their bio and jbj nano cube. Im finding 29 gal biocube for around 270 and 28 gal nanos for around 300. Are these good prices? Which is the better in your...
  14. clintain

    Used 12 gallon Nano

    Also, if I decide to get it, what upgrades would you recommend? Im just planning on corals with a couple clown, a gobie or something small, and live rock.
  15. clintain

    Used 12 gallon Nano

    He said he has saltwater in it now just enough to cover the sand. He had fish in it but put them in another tank along with his clean up crew. Not sure how long ago. It has upgraded fans to make it quieter, a new pump, and a 10k light. He's asking $80.00
  16. clintain

    Used 12 gallon Nano

    I am brand new to this. Never had a saltwater tank but I found a 12 gallon nano for $80 on Craigslist. Says it comes with 20 lbs of live sand and everything else a nano comes with. Are there any specific questions I should ask or anything in the tank to look for?
  17. clintain

    Brand New to Saltwater

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower Okay first thing is get a book. Go to a library to at least get an idea of how saltwater tanks are set up. Don't even think of fish right now. A lot of the terms can get hard to follow if you are very new at fish tanks and a book will help you grasp things a...
  18. clintain

    Brand New to Saltwater

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower Welcome to the site! The 72 inch tanks are best for tangs. The 75g, 55g and 90g are 48 inches. Build the rock in the center to allow the fish to swim around the structure, they like to stay on the move and in too cramped a space they act like a caged lion...
  19. clintain

    Brand New to Saltwater

    Quote: Originally Posted by gmoney243 A 100 gallon should be plenty of room for some tangs but do your research as some will get to big for that tank but there are plenty that can be kept in tanks that size but some may fight other tangs so u might be limited to 1 tang. But hey there are plenty...
  20. clintain

    Brand New to Saltwater

    Quote: Originally Posted by deejeff442 no tangs in a tank that small,cromis will kill each other untill only one is left and territorial fish go in last. hey joe you want another burrito? Ok. Like i said im brand new to this and havent even started. What size tank would i need to do this. And...