Search results

  1. mnherper

    My brave bluethroat trigger

    Purple Tangs and clownfish 45+ min
  2. mnherper

    Nasarius snail behavior.

    never seen that maybe there breeding.
  3. mnherper

    Reef Safe? Conflicting opinions

    or add 3 or more or the same family then the aggression is spread out.
  4. mnherper

    Best Way

    for zoo's 1 cup of ro water 1 drop of Lugol's solution iodine let sit for 3-4 minutes.
  5. mnherper

    bubble tip

    some have bubbles some don' can be lighting or flow ever anemone is different.
  6. mnherper

    NEW HUGE Chalice.

  7. mnherper

    To sump or not to sump, that is the question

    i think its worthwhile the more Filteing the better.
  8. mnherper

    Pics of my new rainbow acan

    great score.