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  1. t11t5

    Is this normal?

    I bought a feather duster about a week ago and it does not "open" all the way. Is there something wrong with it?
  2. t11t5

    Live Rock

    When i buy live rock what do i have to do to it before putting it in my tank? I heard you dont have to do anything but put it in, then I heard I should acclimate it. I have been rinsing it with the water in my tank then putting it in, Is this ok?
  3. t11t5

    Lighting Question

    I bought a Current Dual Sattalite. It came with Sunpaq Dual Daylight and a Dual Actinic and a lunar light. Which lights stay on during the day and wich during the night?
  4. t11t5

    Question about live rock

    I had to move a peice of live rock and when i did there were alot of what looked like fish waiste under it. Is this normal and won't this raise amonia and nitrates? If so how do i clean under the live rock once it is all in my tank?
  5. t11t5

    What do I do?

    I bought a feather duster the other day. I put it in the spot where I want it and it always ends up on my substrate(live sand). Should I leave it there or keep moving it back?
  6. t11t5

    Feather Duster Question

    How long do feather dusters take to attatch them self to live rock? Mine has been in my tank for 12 hours and still hasn't. Is there something wrong?
  7. t11t5

    feather duster question

    How do i get it to attatch to my live rock?
  8. t11t5

    Reef tank Question.

    The live Rock is cured LR. Thanks
  9. t11t5

    Reef tank Question.

    I just started a 37 gallon reef tank. I just put the live rock in yesterday. My cycle is done. My question is, Is there any chemicals that I should routinely add to the tank? And how often?
  10. t11t5

    penguin 350 problem

    I have a marineland penguin 350 bio-wheel power filter on my tank. The one side of the filter outs alot of fine bubbles in my tank. Does anyone know how to stop this?
  11. t11t5

    Cycle is finished now what

    Now that my cycle is finished, should I do a partial water change?
  12. t11t5

    Top off of water question?

    I know when i top off the tank not to add salt to the water. My question is, When topping off the tank, do i pour the water in slow or can i just dump it in?
  13. t11t5

    Background color question?

    What is the best back ground color for a reef tank? Does the color make a difference?
  14. t11t5

    Question about Protein Skimmer

    I have a Seaclone 100 skimmer. How long does it take for this to start working?
  15. t11t5

    Help! Hurry

    How thick should I have the live sand in my tank? I have a 37 gallon. Thanks
  16. t11t5

    How thick should I have the live sand in my tank?

    How thick should I have the live sand in my tank? I have a 37 gallon. Thanks
  17. t11t5

    Where are my threads?

    Hey, I have a hard time finding my threads after i post them. Is there a way for me to see just my threads? Please help me.
  18. t11t5

    Protein skimmer

    Should i run a protein skimmer during the cycle? Thanks.
  19. t11t5

    Changing Substrate?

    Now I have crushed shells, I want to change my substrate to live sand. How do i do this? My tank is in the cycle now. do i have to wait till its done?
  20. t11t5

    How high does Nitrite go during cycle?

    How high does Nitrite go during cycle?