Search results for query: "flame +angel

  1. AquaAlexCardinale

    I've Been Bitten by the Salt BUG

    I might grab a yellow tang then and keep the stock light. How would this stock be: -1 yellow tang -1 foxface - my diamond goby who will be upgraded from the 29 gallon - either a maroon or my black and whites - Flame angel, bi color or lemon peel - and a pink spot goby
  2. lmforbis

    My Planned Stocking for my 29 gallon fowlr

    A 29 gallon may be a bit small for a flame angel. Min tank size for a flame according to live aquaria is 70 gallons.
  3. AquaAlexCardinale

    My Planned Stocking for my 29 gallon fowlr

    Ok so I've been researching and thinking of cutting the stock down just a bit.... How would: - a pair of black and white clowns or occellaris clowns -a bicolor blenny or starry blenny -a yellow watchman goby -A Flame angel and then I'd add some cleaner shrimp and fire shrimp and call it a day
  4. AquaAlexCardinale

    My Planned Stocking for my 29 gallon fowlr

    So what are your thoughts on a single flame angel in a 29 gallon for about 6 months to a year? I do plan on upgrading to a 55-75 gallon by mid 2016.
  5. S

    Thinking of entering the SW obsession

    Anyone have any suggestions on moving aquarium reef already set up so not to lose fish, corals, and inverts before tank is ready at my house? 90 gallon tank has 100 lb live rock and 50 lb live sand along with all of this: Livestock: - 2 clownfish - yellow wrasse - six line wrasse - flame angel...
  6. AquaAlexCardinale

    Thinking of turning my 120 into salt

    I have a 120 gallon freshwater tank..... but should I start as a beginner with a 40 gallon or should I jump right into the 120? I'm strongly considering converting my 120 gallon into a saltwater aquarium I mean I already have the tank, stand, lights, glass covers, heaters, and 2 filters. All I...
  7. AquaAlexCardinale

    I'm entering the saltwater hobby need advice please

    Ok so here's the deal. I'm stuck trying to figure out tank size. It's either going to be a 29 gallon or a 40 gallon breeder or a 55 gallon. If I go with a 40 gallon breeder, could I do 2-3 occellaris clownfish (maybe 2 regulars and a snowflake), a yellow watchman goby, a lawnmower blenny, and...
  8. AquaAlexCardinale

    I'm entering the saltwater hobby need advice please

    I think it's time to finally go saltwater. I've been keeping freshwater all my life and I still will. But I think it's time to do one saltwater tank, the only thing I have to worry about is my budget. I have a very limited income and do not want to pay over $700. I will be a beginner to...
  9. Wisehart

    I want a new fish...

    I had a bicolor and a flame angel in the 80 gallon and they never messed with one another. The flame nipped at live rock while the bicolor nipped at everything.
  10. Kristin1234

    I want a new fish...

    I love All 3. I'm just kinda worried as I had a flame angel die pretty quickly. It was a brand spanking new tank though.
  11. Wisehart

    I want a new fish...

    Bicolor angel, coral beauty, flame angel are all very similar. Same body different colors. I love the look of all three. My flame angel mostly picked at live rock, while the bicolor picked at everything.
  12. Kristin1234

    I want a new fish...

    Maybe give another flame angel a go?
  13. W

    Clown choices

    Bang guy Thanks for moving it. Rose bubble tip is what I've always called it, so thanks for the conformation. He came in as an unnoticed hitch hiker. Now there are 4 of them, the other two are smaller. The LFS owner is really good at what he does and we have had several seahorse conversations...
  14. C

    Setting up an 60 Gallon Tank

    Hello I am just starting in the hobby and I am going to buy myself an innovative marine sr 60. I am not on a budget so I would like to know some good equipment and fish for the tank I have an idea for what I want but I want to see if anybody else as any better suggestions. Here is what I want...
  15. dangerfish

    Does this list look ok for fish ideas

    here is what my list looks like so far Fish Snowflake Eel Humu Picasso Triggerfish Blue Spotted Puffer Bicolor Goatfish Dwarf/Zebra Lionfish One Spot Foxface Flame angel invertebrates Longspine Urchin, Black
  16. J

    45 Day old 125 (non-drilled) tank.

    Took your advice and traded my Trigger for the Scopas Tang and bought a Flame Angel and I appreciate the advice new video coming soon! !!!!!!!!!!
  17. Wisehart

    live feeding, amphipods, copepodes

    Bicolor angel, flame angel, sailfin, Koran, six line wrasse, pink or purple little fish i forget the name of and a clown fish.
  18. dangerfish

    Does this list look ok for fish ideas

    so here is what my fish stock looks like Fish Snowflake Eel Humu Picasso Trigger fish Porcupine Puffer Bicolor Goat fish One Spot Fox face Flame angel so here is my stock and I was wondering if it would be ok to add a Dwarf/Zebra Lionfish or will it eat my flame angel
  19. eric b 125

    Smaller place, bigger tank...My 200DD build

    Started raising the SG in the QT yesterday. Flame angel and midas blenny next. I'm thinking I might try TTM using 7 five-gallon buckets (one for each day) before putting them into QT for observation.
  20. dangerfish

    Does this list look ok for fish ideas

    So here is what my fish stock looks like for my 90g tank Fish Snowflake Eel Humu Picasso Triggerfish Porcupine Puffer Bicolor Goatfish Kole Yellow Eye Tang Flame angel