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  1. may468

    What Fish will go with what?

    I haven't tried to catch him yet. Would it be possible at night? may468
  2. may468

    internal Pump for a 55 gal. ?

    Thanks, I have made three pictures. they are as follows
  3. may468

    What Fish will go with what?

    Thanks I have gotten a Yellow Tang. Thanks alot for helping me to decide. Since a Fish should last a LONG Time, it's good to research be buying. My Damsel can a butt at times. He has spanked the New Tang, but the Tang hasn't seemed too upset by the damsel. The New Yellow tang is about the...
  4. may468

    internal Pump for a 55 gal. ?

    :help: I have a 55 gal. Saltwater reef tank. Does anyone know what size internal pump it would need? I was cleaning mine. The inside propellor has broken down. Not the little arms, the center. The motor still runs, but it makes alot of noise if it gets off center. I can not read what size...
  5. may468

    What Fish will go with what?

    I have a 55 gal 3 plus year old tank.
  6. may468

    What Fish will go with what?

    1 Cinnamon Clown Fish 1 Damsels 1 YellowHead Goby Would a Yellow Tang go with these fish? If not what would? Some idea's please. Thank, May468:)