What Fish will go with what?


New Member
1 Cinnamon Clown Fish
1 Damsels
1 YellowHead Goby
Would a Yellow Tang go with these fish? If not what would?
Some idea's please.
Thank, May468:)


Active Member
2 cinnimon clownfish
3 bluegreen chromis
1 yellowhead goby
1 bubble tip anenone
1 small yellow but would perfer a kole tang
All these fish require a well established healthy tank.:happyfish


You might have a problem with the damsel. Depending on the type and size, they get pretty aggressive the larger they are. My opinion is that damsels are a fools fish. Cheap and look great when they are young, but get ugly and mean when old. Also, your clown could be somewhat aggressive if it has its own territory, probably not as aggressive as a maroon clown though. The good news is that the yellow tang should be able to hold its own against these two types of fish. The tangs come with a spine near the end of its tail that it uses to protect itself. The spine is pretty easy to see, little white thing pointing to the rear.
Good luck, I have a maroon clown and two yellow tangs and they can get nasty to new comers.


my chromis are gental as can be, but a lot of other damsels will become a pain. so, i'd avoid them atall cost.and yes, a yellow tang would go fine w/ all of youf fish.


New Member
I have gotten a Yellow Tang. Thanks alot for helping me to decide. Since a Fish should last a LONG Time, it's good to research be buying.
My Damsel can a butt at times. He has spanked the New Tang, but the Tang hasn't seemed too upset by the damsel. The New Yellow tang is about the same size.
The Clown seems welling the share the back of the tank behind the LR. They each have their own side. The Damsel has a cave in front of the tank. The first few hours, the damsel wouldn't let the Tang in the front of the tank. The tang didn't give up though. After a few hours the Damsel is less irrated by the tang.
So Far, the Damsel hasn't done anything major. If he does get out of hand. I'll take him back to the Pet Store. (Course that's if I can catch him)


if you catch yours tell me how ya did it. 3 years ago when i set up my tank, ppl said you should cycle your tank w/ a damsel and they didn't show me one like a chromis, but a blue devil. he thinks he owns the tank.