anybody have any cool pictures of tanks with sharks the LFS in florida where i used to live had some leopard sharks for a while but they got rid of them
thanks but it doesn't sound right i mean those watts are pretty weak right i mean they can't support coral life i'm a novice but thats my understanding
do you have any pics of your tank if sooo please post i's like to see some ideas i'm in the same boat with a 15 gal eclipse show eclips 1 hood lookin at about the same ligh setup and don't quite understand how it will all work especially the fan part
on the care indications for certain corals they indicate lighting is there some where on the site i can find a chart or something showing what watts equal a designation for example
strong lighting - #$ to !- watts
thank you
would that lighting be able to support a colt coral? in the description it says they are easy to keep would anyone recomend this as an alternative to yellow polyps for a first coral or would anyone have any other recomendations as far as corals go?
i'm jelouse haha i'm relatively new to the hobby i'v had much smaller more insignificant tanks before but with school i don't have as much time to work with means not anywhere near enough doe but i'm workin on a 15 gal. mini reef