Search results

  1. jrock77

    assimilation of found rock into reef

    I have recently received two nice pieces of rock from the shore line of eastern Florida. A relative of mine sent them to me. They are two great pieces lots of nooks and holes. I would like to assimilate into my 55 gallon reef. What would be the best way of doing this. Should I wash, soak...
  2. jrock77

    Kole Tang

    I have had this tang for about three weeks now. He is in my reef tank with two other "yellow" tangs. They all get along just fine. I must say that I have never actually seen him eat though. When I put in the seaweed selects on the clip the two "yellow" tangs come right up to it and the kole just...
  3. jrock77

    Long-Spined Porcupinefish

    Thanks!! The porcupine is doing just fine, he does just "take a break" in one corner every now and again?! He is eating because I almost hand feed him!! What type of food do you give yours? I just got what the pet store suggested! Just lookin for other types of food.
  4. jrock77

    Green Hair Algea Is Driving Me Nuts!

    I recently went through a HUGE bloom and it turned out I had introduce my new PC lights wrong. I put them on a timer and go myself a "lawnmower" blenny! Man does that fish eat it up!! Don't know if that fish will help your current problem, but I know it helped mine clear the tank once I got my...
  5. jrock77

    Long-Spined Porcupinefish

    From months and months of amazement of this fish at my local pet store I finally bought one! The first night I brought him home he was doing great, I had put him in a tank with four other fish, niger trigger, rectangular trigger, dragon wrasse, and a foxface. Both triggers tried to nip at him...
  6. jrock77

    fleas and worms!

    I recently upgraded my light and filtration system on my 55 gallon fish only tank in hopes of transforming it into a reef. I bought more live rock and cleaning crew. But it seems to have become nothing but a nightmare. I read wonderful articles and confessions on the ecosystem using the...
  7. jrock77

    crazy creature found?!

    Well that is a good question! I have never seen until tonight and well I saw it when I only had the atinic lights on, I was introducing a greek goddess slug into my tank and while I was moving the rock around I found it. I was looking through one if my books about marine problem solving and it...
  8. jrock77

    crazy creature found?!

    I am in the mist of transferring my tank into a reef and I have bought my lights and started the wet* dry. Tonight I was arranging my base rock and underneath a piece of rock was a creature, something I haven't seen before. I didn't buy him or I haven't purchased any new rock in well over six...
  9. jrock77

    tiny bubbles

    I just added a wet dry filter and decided to use the miracle mud method within my wet* dry. well after adding the mud to the sump and letting it it settle in the next day I had a whole bunch of tiny bubbles all over my live rock and throughout my tank. This was never a problem before. Also...
  10. jrock77

    wet* dry filter

    Ok please correct me if I am wrong, because I don't want to do the wrong thing here. I was just at this *** store and they claim to have the largest reef tank in Michigan ---http://**** aquaticdiscoveries**** /---- one of the employees says not to use a wet* dry filter with a reef tank? I have...
  11. jrock77

    cleaner shrimp

    how can you tell the --- of cleaner shrimp and what is the recomended set up for reproduction of cleaner shrimp?
  12. jrock77

    leather algee

    ----Red macro algae is good, red coraline algae is good, red slime algae is a sign of trouble. Red slime is actually cyanobacteria [hr] how can you tell the difference???
  13. jrock77

    leather algee

    just curios what would be the optimal lighting for a leather coral and is red algee good or bad? I have read both and my brother is telling me its a bad sign of something. I have yet to purchase this beutiful coral from my local *** store, just wondering the proper lighting. I have had many...
  14. jrock77

    changing from crushed coral to sand or nothing at all?

    I have been thinking about switching out my crushed coral and either putting nothing in its place or sand. I like the appearance of sand and would like to get some organisms that live within it, but that would mean a whole new filtration system. I currently have the crushed coral with the two...
  15. jrock77

    mushrooms cutting?????

    I have heard that you can splice or cut your mushroom? I did a test on one of my smaller mushrooms and it disappeared for a week. I thought I had killed it, but to my surprise it came back out and there was a smaller piece of mushroom on the bottom of the tank. The original mushroom appeared...
  16. jrock77

    holy serpent star!!

    Originally posted by sod: do you have a anoemie Yes I have an amenome, why?
  17. jrock77

    holy serpent star!!

    my serpent star has had a hole between two of his "legs" if you will for few months now and nothing has happend to the other creatures in the tank nor has the hole appeard to get any larger. The hole itself is white and appear just to be a chunk missing from his body. Nothing else in my tank...