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  1. eric36

    powder blue tang help..

    I have a 30g tank (i know everyone on here says not to have a tang in that small of a tank) with live sand and about 20lb of live rock and the tang, 2 clown,2 cleaner shimp, and 10 hemit crabs, 2 crabs. I do not have a quarantine tank as im new to this hobby. Is there anything i can treat my...
  2. eric36

    powder blue tang help..

    My tang all of a sudden has white spot all over even on its eyes(looks like salt). still eats and swims around like its healthy, been hanging around the cleaner shrimp alot. is this ick or something i should be worried about?
  3. eric36


    I have heard a few people say there system crashed, what does that do or how does that happen?
  4. eric36

    Anyone members form Northern CA.

    Im from modesto ca, I found this local fish store directory might help some of you guys out.