Search results

  1. sharky71

    protein skimming

    Has anyone used either the dual bak pak or the remora pro? I'm looking to get a skimmer for my 75gallon tank and not sure which to get. If they are about equal I'd get the bak pak since it does biological filtration. Also, can you put your heater in these units?
  2. sharky71

    which HOB skimmer is the most quiet?

    Is the Remora Pro with a mag 3 a loud skimmer? My tank is in my living room. Is there another skimmer that is as efficient but quieter?
  3. sharky71

    are biowheels bad for salt water

    I've been reading that biowheels cause your nitrates to spike. Is this true? I have an emperor 400 and was wondering if I should just use a fluval 404 instead?
  4. sharky71

    best skimmer advice

    does anyone have experience with the Remora Pro and the CPR Dual Bak Pak? I'm trying to decide between these two skimmers for my 80 gallon tank.