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  1. freddie


    what is the address for the fish place?
  2. freddie

    help me see the light!!!

    Horhey, i have the same tank with just 2 40 watt floursent lights in it, and i want to replace with halide or power compacts. Can you give me the web site for the power compacts? do you have to construct them yourself? will they fit in a canopy? I am with you, ihate to spend 400 dollars on...
  3. freddie


    Gregg: I saw the same skimmer at an online fish store for 62 dollars. I have a 65 and a 55 gallon tank without a skimmer. Will this 62 dollar skimmer do? I hate to spend 300 dollars on skimmer. So far, i havn't had any fish die off(except for a tang murdering my butterfly fish). What do...
  4. freddie

    New Butterfly Fish MURDERED by TANG!

    We just bought a new 31 dollar yellow butterfly fish and put it in our 65 gallon tank which has a beautiful angel and a tang. Immediately, the tang took off after it(we have 70 lbs of live rock to hide, btw), but we thought this was 'normal' for a new fish. The butterfly fish is mostly yellow...
  5. freddie

    y my water getting yellow color??

    YOu just mentioned not to take more than 30 percent at one time or the bio filter will be useless. Well, i take almost 50 percent out every four weeks, and so far no problems. The fish afterwards seem so active and seem to thrive in the refreshed water. But 1/2 removal is too much?
  6. freddie

    preparing saltwater?

    I just mix 20 gallons at a time in a large plastic pail with saltwater, then, pour it in the tank. I haven't had any trouble with dying fish either. I empty the tank 50 percent once every month and follow that procedure. This works well for my 65 gallon and 55 gallone saltwater tank. I do...