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  1. iusetablesalt

    sun coral resisting?

    just a few days...when the lights go out my atnics come out... i don't think that's the main problem atleast... <or maybe, feeback> the "main" problem must be that sun is in a restaurant... we close at 9:30 on the week days... but, on friday we close and 10:30 I'm going to try and camp him to...
  2. iusetablesalt

    sun coral resisting?

    yes i am aware of that, the LFS only had brine so i "had" to get it. I was planning on getting cyclop-eeze and/or mysis. Also im mizing the bring in witth a little dried phyto because of it not being nutritional enough
  3. iusetablesalt

    sun coral resisting?

    just gotta sun coral.I knew their complex deit and lighting (need to be feed brine shrimp every other day & a shaded zone. But,the polyps won't open I don't know why? ive tryed to entice them to open with "chumming" up the water w/ brine then direct feeding it but the polyps stay closed! please...
  4. iusetablesalt

    Sea Hare (WTB) Tampa/St.Pete, FL

    wow... to bad that place is closed now... i got a 2 head of an acan frag for $5....<thinking>
  5. iusetablesalt

    looking for stonefish

    look em up there right here on the orange may be a little pricey but i always like the white
  6. iusetablesalt

    looking for stonefish

    Originally Posted by darren0311 yep, but on the other hand so can being Married! haha true, IMO i don't wanna die from my own hobby, but hey you can always have something to brag about to the neighbors about having a poisonous fish, I told my neighbors my frogspawn could kill them if they...
  7. iusetablesalt

    looking for stonefish

    you do know they can kill you
  8. iusetablesalt

    Sea Hare (WTB) Tampa/St.Pete, FL

    Originally Posted by mgutierrezff a store at busch blvd in tampa has em for i think 12.50$ That's pricey! I got mine for only 2.00! and it was a franchise kkind of store. & no sorry i don;t have him anymore R.I.P.
  9. iusetablesalt


    pic's a little blurry it may be a sun coral or i think more likely should be a aiptasia anemone a pest anemone, if i isn't messing up your tank or spreading like a wildfire then i'd keep it, they look cool but of course if you want to toss it out it's nothing but a hitchicker
  10. iusetablesalt

    Is my normal ricordia turning into a yuma??

    Thanks, my ricordia has two heads and will eventually split but it is still one peice. there's a bulb on the ricordia (best i could explain) that is swelling like a yuma it's been there for a 2-3 weeks. There's the image Finally!!
  11. iusetablesalt

    which nano to buy?

    I love my JBJ HQI (whatever that means) 28 gallon nano tank! I have no complaints except it get a little hot... (82 degrees was my highest spike)! search it on google may be a little pricey at 500ish
  12. iusetablesalt

    Is my normal ricordia turning into a yuma??

    i can't seem to get a picture but my yuma has a swell on one of it's bubbles, it has all it's color and no sign of it dying... the only explination "I" can come up w/ is that it's turning into a yuma??
  13. iusetablesalt

    Show us your prize corals!

    nice! keep 'em coming!
  14. iusetablesalt

    what kind of salt?

    Originally Posted by saltyfish808 Just lookin for some advice or a general view of what seems to be the best salt for you? what brand do you use? I use Instant Ocean and it's currently the most popular, and the most acclaimed
  15. iusetablesalt

    Show us your prize corals!

    C'mon show off you prize corals here! Mines gotta be my amazing yello leather SHOW 'EM OFF
  16. iusetablesalt


    I was lucky to stumble upon a website explaining the unwanted hitchikers list. upon it i found a sea slug that looks like a part of a colt coral. it seemed that my colt was dying on a branch but i didn't know why. just to share the info! I was a very fortunate to find it at the time i was in...
  17. iusetablesalt

    Mistery Coral?

    my mystery coral was a nice colt on a coral skeleton looks reall cool
  18. iusetablesalt

    My first frag

    I'm the one to make mistakes... i just today fraged my xenia and colt the colt and xenia are fine except with the xenia..... it'supside down. I did the rubberband w/ mesh technique and it works like a charm but i put the coral backwards... will it adjust itself or will i have to get my hands wet