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  1. nebiereef12

    55 gallon stock list

    will it get too big or just be to aggressive
  2. nebiereef12

    55 gallon stock list

    i have a 55 gallon non-reef tank with a small hippo tang, 2 chromis , and a hawkfish. Would it be ok to get a picasso trigger or would it be to aggressive towards the other fish.
  3. nebiereef12

    protein skimmer

    i am to get a 55 gallon aquarium and i am wandering if i need a protein skimmer. i also would like a estimate to how much it would cost
  4. nebiereef12


    I am thinking about buying a 55 gallon tank and i want to estimate the total cost of the tank and supplies. How much would all the live sand be and how many pounds would i need.Please respond
  5. nebiereef12

    I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I bought a arch eye hawkfish for my bio cube 14 clownfish bit his tail and now he won't eat.any help? Or it could be that he was just introduced 2 days ago. I don't, I need help!
  6. nebiereef12

    what is this

    haha of course its a alien!
  7. nebiereef12

    what is this

    on my new piece of lr there is a weitd thing, it looks like a sponge to me. what do you think?it is not the feather duster to the left.
  8. nebiereef12

    digging goby

    Cool, i'll look forward to those fish. Are there anymore?
  9. nebiereef12

    digging goby

    I just got a biocube 14 gallon and I love gobies that dig.Please help me find a cool goby that digs in a 14 gallon. I don't have any fish yet.
  10. nebiereef12

    weird white worm

    I don't think it is a peanut worm it is more thin and its white
  11. nebiereef12

    weird white worm

    Today I saw a white worm going into my sand, then I saw another in my rock. Here are 2 of my best photos. What could it be? PLEASE HELP!
  12. nebiereef12

    Flame Angle

    What kind of gobie do you have?
  13. nebiereef12

    biocube 14 gallon stock list

    i just got a 14 gallon biocube(now cycling) and i need help with my stock list for is what i would want one clown one flame or coral beauty angelfish one scooter blenny and one flame hawkfish that would be a lot i was thinking three fish or four. PLEASE GIVE IDEAS AND SUGGESTIONS!
  14. nebiereef12

    ID please

  15. nebiereef12

    strange ''thing''

    im feeding them frozen plankton for inverts and fish. the guy at the lps told me i could.
  16. nebiereef12

    strange ''thing''

    when i was feeding my feather dusters on my new rock a pink thing came out of a had many leg things and hide very quick.i couldn't get a picture,to fast. what do you think it is?
  17. nebiereef12

    need to know!

    i have a 14 gallon biocube.
  18. nebiereef12

    need to know!

    What fish could I have? Would a flame hawkfish or angelfish grow to big? What about a jawfish or a clownfish? How many fish could I have?
  19. nebiereef12

    what is this

    is that safe for a reef tank
  20. nebiereef12

    stock list for biocube 14

    here is the fish i am hoping to get. tell me if i couldn't mix the fish or they grow to big for a 14 gal biocube. 1 flame angelfish 1 clownfish 1 flamehawk 1 yellowhead jawfish