i have a 55 gallon non-reef tank with a small hippo tang, 2 chromis , and a hawkfish. Would it be ok to get a picasso trigger or would it be to aggressive towards the other fish.
I am thinking about buying a 55 gallon tank and i want to estimate the total cost of the tank and supplies. How much would all the live sand be and how many pounds would i need.Please respond
I bought a arch eye hawkfish for my bio cube 14 gallon.my clownfish bit his tail and now he won't eat.any help? Or it could be that he was just introduced 2 days ago. I don't, I need help!
i just got a 14 gallon biocube(now cycling) and i need help with my stock list for fish.here is what i would want
one clown
one flame or coral beauty angelfish
one scooter blenny
and one flame hawkfish
that would be a lot i was thinking three fish or four. PLEASE GIVE IDEAS AND SUGGESTIONS!
when i was feeding my feather dusters on my new rock a pink thing came out of a tunnel.it had many leg things and hide very quick.i couldn't get a picture,to fast. what do you think it is?
here is the fish i am hoping to get. tell me if i couldn't mix the fish or they grow to big for a 14 gal biocube.
1 flame angelfish
1 clownfish
1 flamehawk
1 yellowhead jawfish