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  1. fishbait

    new fishhey

    what do you have cnlight
  2. fishbait

    new fishhey

    it looks like a percula clown (finding nemo)but the white stripes on it are gold with white trim and it is a maroon color not orange
  3. fishbait

    new fishhey

    hey everyone i just got a goldstripe maroon clown
  4. fishbait

    what is a nano tank

    thanks for the info
  5. fishbait

    what is a nano tank

    what is a nano tank
  6. fishbait

    Lots of green algea

    Hey Everyone I just set up my tank about 2 weeks ago and i have some live rock about 10 lbs.and live sand. i got the tank from friend and it was all set up and everything was fine when i got it he dumped all the water but kept the sand and rock wet i now have a domino damsel and a yellow...
  7. fishbait

    Lots of green algea

    thanks cnlight
  8. fishbait

    Lots of green algea

    Hey Everyone I just set up my tank about 2 weeks ago and i have some live rock about 10 lbs.and live sand. i got the tank from friend and it was all set up and everything was fine when i got it he dumped all the water but kept the sand and rock wet i now have a domino damsel and a yellow...
  9. fishbait

    Brown Algae

    I just started my saltwater tank and It has brown algae growing. I have been told various things like just let it run it's course. and treat it with Chem clean and do 20% tank changes. Which is the correct thing to do