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  1. jasonanatal

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    Originally Posted by braydonosu your aquascaping is great - a lot of overhangs and hiding places for fish plus a top shelf for corals. Are you planning to get another set of tangs? Braydonosu, thank you for the compliments. I'm hoping to down the line I just want to get all my equipment and...
  2. jasonanatal

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    Weekly Water Parameter Testing: Monday, January 12, 2008Here are the weekly water parameter testing using various test kits as my disposal. Average Water Temperature: 77.8 degrees Fahrenheit Salinity Grade: 1.025 SG (Tested using Refractometer) Alkalinity (Carbonate Hardness): 132 PPM / 7.39 dKH...
  3. jasonanatal

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    Originally Posted by krazykarel Man good job...enjoying your work keep us posted with the pics. Krazykarel, thank you for the compliments. I will keep the photographs coming.
  4. jasonanatal

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    Originally Posted by Ilovemytank Jason, I think you should demand free bio kits for life for the professional advertisment that you are giving the reef bio kit !!!! Ilovemytank, that would be awesome. If you want you can send them an E-mail and suggest that. It would be much appreciated.
  5. jasonanatal

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    Originally Posted by spanko Jason, kind of hard to keep the build updated on two different sites isn't it. You are doing a good job of it though. I just started the Prodibio Nano on my tank. Have done two doses over 15 days of the; Prodibio Bio Digest Prodibio Bioptim Prodibio Iodi+ and...
  6. jasonanatal

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    Originally Posted by kowaleski so umm what happen to the tangs? Kowaleski, unfortunately the Tangs pass away from a massive infection of Ich. Most likely brought on due to stress because they didn't have enough hiding spots (they died before the addition of the rock.
  7. jasonanatal

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici EWWW! That's Gnarly!So i take it you like this skimmer. Tanks looking great besides the diatom algae bloom.I like the rock work. Veni Vidi Vici, I definitely like the Red Sea C-Skim 1200 Deluxe Protein Skimmer. I'm not going to stay with it in the long run...
  8. jasonanatal

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    Supplements: Prodibio Bio Kit Reef Supplements (Bacteria... Natures Finest Helpers) Continued... Prodibio Stronti+ Strontium is an essential trace element in the reef aquarium environment. It stimulates growth in hard corals and assists in the development of the red calcareous and encrusting...
  9. jasonanatal

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    Supplements: Prodibio Bio Kit Reef Supplements (Bacteria... Natures Finest Helpers) It was a difficult choice but I finally decided that I would use the Prodibio line of advanced supplements. Prodibio selects and uses specific non-pathogenic micro-organisms designed for aquaculture, the quality...
  10. jasonanatal

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    Weekly Water Parameter Testing: Monday, January 05, 2008Here are the weekly water parameter testing using various test kits as my disposal. Average Water Temperature: 77.8 degrees Fahrenheit Salinity Grade: 1.025 SG (Tested using Refractometer) Alkalinity (Carbonate Hardness): 132 PPM / 7.4 dKH...
  11. jasonanatal

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    Equipment: Red Sea C-Skim 1200 Deluxe Protein Skimmer (Performance Update) I've had the Red Sea C-Skim 1200 Deluxe Protein Skimmer for about 3 weeks now and I'm sure everyone is wanting to see an update on its performance especially with my little algae issue. I used the integrated Nozzle that...
  12. jasonanatal

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    Aquarium Issue: Algae Bloom Solution (Installation of the Tunze 6060 Pump to Improve Flow) Well most opinions seemed to go along with my personal thoughts on the matter. High Phosphates combined with cycling rock and low flow result in my excessive algae bloom. So I have implemented some things...
  13. jasonanatal

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    Aquarium Issue: Algae Bloom Within My Aquarium (Pretty Intense)Well not everything that I post can about my aquarium can be good news and this is most likely the start of a series of post as my aquarium goes through the process of becoming mature. I must admit that I am a very heavy feeder for...
  14. jasonanatal

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    Plumbing: Custom Acrylic Sump 22"w x 16"d x 16"h (Custom King) Normally my original plans did not include a sump but as the project progressed I really saw a need to add a sump. So I contacted one of the members of a local reef club "Manhattan Reefs" and asked if he could construct an Acrylic...
  15. jasonanatal

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    Plumbing: CPR CS90 Overflow Box (Some What Safe at Removing Water) I originally opted out of purchasing an aquarium with built in overflows mainly since my original design did not include a sump in order to keep the overall weight of the aquarium to a minimum. However, as this project sprials...
  16. jasonanatal

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    Chemical: D&D H2Ocean Salt Mix (Starting Up the Reef With The Best)Well they are definitely a few things that I forgot to post about in order since the aquarium has been setup. I normally get wrapped up in various projects so I wanted to get a few things out of the way. I wanted to startup my...
  17. jasonanatal

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    Aquascaping: Marco Rocks (Recreacting a Natural Reef) I looked at my aquarium recently and my wife said that I really needed some more rock. So with permission from the misses I began to do some searching for rocks online, within the local reef clubs and on Craigslist. Well lucky for me I...
  18. jasonanatal

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    Do It Myself (Wife Helping) Project: Reinforcing a Iron Stand Continued... I finally managed to get my wife and son out of the apartment for a while in order to rev up the saw and start to cut the some of the peices of wood for the reinforcement of the iron stand. However, I ran out of...
  19. jasonanatal

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    Equipment: Red Sea C-Skim 1200 Deluxe Protein Skimmer (Damn Good Bang for Your Buck) As most of you know I have a love affair with Deltec and other High End name brands within the aquarium hobby. Well I have been in the market for a new Protein Skimmer for this aquarium and all that could think...
  20. jasonanatal

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    Originally Posted by Dennis210 Okay I am addicted too - but man - keep the pics coming - I like seeing another guy having his own personal money pit too! Dennis210, money pit... is that why algae is the color green? LOL