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  1. xtreeme

    Texas man cleared of shooting neighbor's robber

    NO ONE has the right to take someone elses life unless THEIR life is risked. He was playing god deciding who has right to live and die. He was not in danger. No respect for this person he is why gun laws are so debated. Im pro gun but I know the difference between right and wrong. Problem is...
  2. xtreeme

    End of our Hobby - **** you US Gov

    No ocean near me, why limit what I can get. Without saltwater they cant live! Middle states and where I am in pa should be able to keep fish. I see the next part- trade fish illegal.
  3. xtreeme

    best hang on back

    My odyssea pro pack be here soon. Will let you know how good it is. Its the CPR design $160. Pro pack was 60 and MJ1200 was $29. Skim with a filter. I am using chemi-pure in it.
  4. xtreeme

    Just bought a 55 Gallon

    Will move my tank soon. Plan is use two large Rubber made conatiners. One for rocks other fish. Moving sand will take one more small container.Im moving tank to another spot leaving sand and 1/2" water in it. Mix new water 20g let sit 24 hours. 8 hours if you use a pump in mix water. Reuse the...
  5. xtreeme

    Affect vs. Effect

    Originally Posted by Tizzo I hear that from a few people, but I don't get it. Is it redundant? is and at? Cause if I use the abbreviated form, then to say, "Where's it" just doesn't make sense to me. Elaborate Love. both are proper I feel one is redundant but not incorrect. Where did sally...
  6. xtreeme

    Affect vs. Effect

    "By our own definition of english prefixes and suffixes, to put ir- and -less on the same word is redundant and cancels each other out like a double negative." I understand that and agree, however they are considering making it a word. I read the wiki too. My question is what will it mean...
  7. xtreeme

    I have a problem....and I NEED help.

    Chemi-pure is safe to use not really that kind of chemical. Filter media. I use it since start but still got that stuff. Skimmer will be here soon.
  8. xtreeme

    Choice of friends

    Not a true friend. First I would have taken care of things when he just walked in and got munchies. None of my friends would do that. Most call to make sure Im home heh and what Im doing etc. if they can come out. A friend may disagree, but will help when needed. He is a acquaintance
  9. xtreeme

    what are these

    Thanks NOFISH. Really small claws hard to tell. Look pointed. He was hanging on LR other day think eating?
  10. xtreeme

    LED lighting be an advance?

    LED's>MH. Two reasons. One it uses less watts and makes less heat in end (due to watts). It lasts longer. Last MH way is made tends to put out UV. I know someone will say the envelope filters UV. Yes somewhat but not all. I was into Building projecters few years back and they were testing many...
  11. xtreeme

    The Job - Urine Test

    When they can give themselves a raise, eat fancy food at top resturaunts, lease or rent new sports car with your taxes you know where the mony is. I think we pay them too much take the $$$$$ out maybe get real people.
  12. xtreeme

    Affect vs. Effect

    Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor who and how, but my biggest one is thier, there, and most of the time i spell their thier like i did just now.... You dislexic? I am so spelling not easy.
  13. xtreeme

    Affect vs. Effect

    no reason for there/their/they're used wrong. What I hate is chopped engrish Tru dat - True that wazup - whats up k - ok u - you y - why Uh that kind of engrish is NOT acceptable. First they speak english, their native language, then they have to talk like that...
  14. xtreeme

    what are these

    Im surprised. I figured someone would be able to ID the crab.
  15. xtreeme

    The Job - Urine Test

    geridoc, its ok I should seen that. Bad day....clown died. bgbdwlf2500 agree 100%
  16. xtreeme

    this weeks specials

    Would be nice if they had maxi-jet marineland too. Bought mine local few days ago $29 for maxi-jet 1200.
  17. xtreeme

    The Job - Urine Test

    Originally Posted by GeriDoc It shouldn't be a problem, so long as all people requesting public assistance had to pass. That would include farmers receiving crop subsidy, anyone who sold stock and wants a lower tax rate for capital gains, and so many others. That will be the problem - making...
  18. xtreeme

    The Job - Urine Test

    Ya, popers uh. Take prescrip [hr] for high. I dont even take ones dr. wants me too till I cant take it. Even asprin. When I need it, it helps but last thing I do. Those and the needles users, heroin and coke. Uhhhhhhhhhh Stuff wrecks your life. Be shocked how little taxes go toward welfare...
  19. xtreeme

    I cant stand hippies.

    Originally Posted by renogaw hmm, by hippy i think 70's guy, still in tye dye, smoking some reefer, with long hair and a bandana. by your description, you're making me think homeless/hobo... is that what you mean? or are hippies resorting to bumming change?? I was thinking same! A BUM is a...
  20. xtreeme

    what are these

    Photos arent too good. The crab has small red claws, shell about 1" with smiley face mark middle, purple underneath. The green on rock might be sponge? I have a duster worm so got phytoplankton. That is what spone eats since its filter feed? Thanks