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  1. guava62

    Dosing for coral?

    Another question, Ive seen a lot of different opinions on how to acclimate coral, what is the best way that you have found? I made an acclimation mistake once, lets just say ill never do that again!
  2. guava62

    Dosing for coral?

    Sweet, thanks so much! I was hoping to get something easy like zoas, or maybe mushrooms. Still not exactly sure, mostly just going to see what my lfs has. Do you have any suggestions?
  3. guava62

    Dosing for coral?

    Ok, so just to make sure i have this right, do dose food for them, but only dose other things as needed, and only if im testing for it?
  4. guava62

    Dosing for coral?

    So i've seen on a lot of websites that i will need to dose for certain things for certain corals. So i was wondering if this is really true, do i HAVE to dose, or is it only if things go out of whack when i test? Im hoping to buy my first coral today, so thanks for any help!
  5. guava62

    How much is to much

    I was wondering how much flow is to much. I have about 300 GPH flowing through my 10 gallon. Is this ok, or do i need more?
  6. guava62

    Torch in 10 gallon

    Well, then wish me luck!
  7. guava62

    Torch in 10 gallon

    Your torch never stung your Zoas, wow, maybe there is hope for me
  8. guava62

    Torch in 10 gallon

    I was thinking, what if i put the torch on one end, and all the others on the other end...would that work? I REALLY like the look of the torch coral
  9. guava62

    Torch in 10 gallon

    Is there any way i can keep a torch coral in my 10 gallon. I have 40 watts of individually reflected T5. Im mostly concerned about the sweepers, I dont want it to harm my other corals
  10. guava62

    T5 lighting question

    Why wouldnt you use their bulbs, whats wrong with them?
  11. guava62

    LPS and Leathers

    Ok, so i heard that it is not really a good idea to keep leathers and sps together in the same tank if it is a small system, i have a 10 gallon. But i was wondering if the same rule applied for lps
  12. guava62

    Clown hosting a fish?

    Ok, so i found this video of a clown fish supposedly hosting another fish, can anyone tell me if this can really happen?
  13. guava62

    T5 lighting question

    Oh, no, i wouldnt get sps right now , im just trying to think ahead. So as far as lighting goes though, i would be ok for sps in the future, or will i need more?
  14. guava62

    T5 lighting question

    so it would be ok for me to have sps?
  15. guava62

    T5 lighting question

    Sorry, i cant believe i forgot to put that on there , i have a 10 gallon
  16. guava62

    T5 lighting question

    Hi! So i have 40 watts of individually reflected T5 lighting and was wondering what i could keep under them as far as coral go. I really like the SPS, but something tells me i wont be able to. Does the wattage really matter at all anymore, is it just about the type of lighting, or what ...