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  1. brat_23

    Tangs and Lionfish?

    It is a 30 gallon Tank I guess I should get the lion and the tang about the same size. Thanx
  2. brat_23

    new 75 cycle

    The Damsels won't bother the puffer, but when it gets big enough, it will eat the damsels no doubt. It should be fun to watch though!:D
  3. brat_23

    Tangs and Lionfish?

    I am setting up a new tank and I was just wondering... Is it okay to put Tangs and Lionfish together? I know that Lionfish are agressive and eat meet, and Tangs eat flakes, but would they be okay since the Tang would be too big for the Lion fish to eat? Thanx, BRAT_23
  4. brat_23

    sad lionfish

    Okay, I don't know if this will work, but its worth a try... You see, my dad used to have a lion fish a long time ago, and it wouldn't eat the krill either. At first my dad thought that something was wrong with it too, but then he put some feeders in the tank(he used goldfish) and the lionfish...