Search results for query: gobies

  1. A

    No clean up crew no Inverts mean dirty tank?

    Do neon stripe gobies shift sand? They look quick lol if I get him a small house he might make it?
  2. A

    No clean up crew no Inverts mean dirty tank?

    ...get dirty without a "clean up crew" what is the best sand bed for a no invert tank? bare bottom? Shallow? Deep? It would be no invert because I may buy a aggressive fish which may eat the snails and any gobies I buy to shift the sand (haven't bought any aggressive fish yet pondering the idea)
  3. bang guy

    Need ideas for fish in tank **UPDATED 6-19-15** pics

    Neon Gobies or Clown Gobies can be fun.
  4. BanditMan15

    New Clowns swimming vertically?

    Feeding them prime reef flakes, tests are ammonia results are ideal, Ph 8.4, Kh 300, nitrate and nitrite are 0. Gobies are perfect. All fish except two clowns acting normal and healthy.
  5. Kristin1234

    New Clowns swimming vertically?

    My clowns swim vertically all day every day. What are you feeding these guys? How are the gobies acting?
  6. pegasus

    Looking two sand fish

    Sand-sifting gobies need a well-established sandbed in order to have enough sand-dwelling crustaceans to eat. If you're looking for a sand fish that eats flakes and/or pellets, Miller Blennies are kind of cool. They also perch on the rocks, and are so ugly and spastic that you can't help but...
  7. shobby


    I do have macro algae, quite a bit in the sump, just did stir up the sand since my gobies have disappeared, well the new ones that is, I was worried about stirring sand though, that is acceptable. It will not hurt the bacteria in it or create a nitrate release? I do only feed every other day...
  8. shobby


    Okay, I actually bought two orange diamond gobies and haven't seen them but I do have 4 convict gobies and another goby that looks similar to the watchmen but different colors
  9. Kristin1234

    Think My Tank Is Too Small?

    Firefish are nice. They are dartfish not gobies. Lol ; )
  10. jay0705

    Think My Tank Is Too Small?

    Hmmm lol not many that are easy to keep. Most are gobies
  11. A

    Think My Tank Is Too Small?

    What are some peaceful bottom dwellers in your opinion? That get no bigger then 3 or 4 inches.. No Gobies
  12. shobby


    ...them mysis shrimp, pour a small amount in and watch them go at it. I believe I now have 13 or 14, not sure cause four of them are engineer gobies and I definitely have seen three at any given time but I had four. I have a sump with a denitrator, and a huge amount of macro. Took off the...
  13. novahobbies

    Novahobbies' 37g column tank reset build

    ...and I'm willing to put one in as long as she understands that the fish has to be swapped out once it's "grown out" to 3 inches or so. Other than that, I don't know. Depending on the choice of corals, I may do a couple clown gobies, but that's about it. Any fish list suggestions would be...
  14. pegasus

    Breeding Mandarin Food

    ...and then I'd move it to my larger tank. Unfortunately, it disappeared after a couple of weeks, so I presume it died. I have a pair of engineer gobies in the small tank, and they move mountains of sand every day. I suspect they buried it under the sand and it suffocated. I may try to buy...
  15. pegasus

    filter socks in refugium.... yes or no?

    ...particles. I don't use socks on my 125 at all, as the water's fairly clean. I use a mesh sock on my 40B as it has fine sand and the engineer gobies keep a sand storm in the tank quite regularly. Both tank drains are extended under the water level in the refugium. I used two pieces of 1"...
  16. jay0705

    Jaw fish or Goby?

    There is your first mistake lol. Dart fish are a species of fish. Different then gobys. Sorta like scooter blennys, there not blennys at all.
  17. Kristin1234

    Jaw fish or Goby?

    Firefish dart fish gobies? I've always thought they were gobies. Got that from liveaqauria.
  18. pegasus

    Jaw fish or Goby?

    And they are jumpers, so a covered tank is a must.
  19. jay0705

    Jaw fish or Goby?

    Just to clarify miss texas lol fire fish are technically dart fish not gobies :-)
  20. B

    Jaw fish or Goby?

    I do like the fire fish gobies they are very pretty! If I go with the watch man what does the pistol shrimp do, and can I have a pistol shrimp with a cleaner shrimp? Also what would you recommend for a sand cleaner or a CUC? Sorry for the questions but I really want to get it right!!