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  1. Kristin1234

    Check out this video.

    Just amazing.
  2. Kristin1234

    Dwarf lion fish won't eat.

    Awesome, Thanks for all your help, Jay! Greatly appreciated!
  3. Kristin1234

    Dwarf lion fish won't eat.

    One ghost 3 times a week? or 4 times a week?
  4. Kristin1234

    Dwarf lion fish won't eat.

    Ahh! The old fashion way! lol Thanks, I'm not really this big of a goober, I swear.
  5. Kristin1234

    Need your aquascaping pictures

    If you look really close there ARE fish in there! LOL
  6. Kristin1234

    Need your aquascaping pictures

    It looks so naked but..
  7. Kristin1234

    Dwarf lion fish won't eat.

    Any idea on how I can tell if he is a he or a she?
  8. Kristin1234

    Dwarf lion fish won't eat.

    Oh! And btw, they did keep those ghost in FW! Easy peaasy keeping these suckers... or so they say.
  9. Kristin1234

    Dwarf lion fish won't eat.

    I didn't see him eat them, but I ran home on my lunch break and added 2 and had to leave in a jiffy. Last night I only saw one of the shrimp. so I am hoping he caught it and ate it. When I get home today I am going to add one at a time and set up camp and watch him.
  10. Kristin1234

    Dwarf lion fish won't eat.

    A MONTH? This little guy would shrivel up, I'm afraid! I'm telling you, he is TINY! No bigger than my thumb.
  11. Kristin1234

    Dwarf lion fish won't eat.

    Here's my little guy
  12. Kristin1234

    hippo tang

    Man, I want one, too. You get it and tell me how it goes. Lol
  13. Kristin1234

    how do i post a darn pic?

    Yea, I tried it and it tells me the file is too large. Guess it isn't happening from mobile.
  14. Kristin1234

    how do i post a darn pic?

    But how from mobile??
  15. Kristin1234

    Dwarf lion fish won't eat.

    Stupud question : When you say put the ghost in a 5 gallon bucket, must it be sw or can I just put them in fw? They will die in fw, right? I will have to get some water from them too if that's the case. I can never seem to mix my own properly. Add a small pump in there too or no?
  16. Kristin1234

    Dwarf lion fish won't eat.

    Should I net the shrimp right up in his face? I feed those buggers mysis everyday. Maybe some flakes at night every other day. I also have a flame angel in there, he should be good right? He's already a good 2" or so.
  17. Kristin1234

    Dwarf lion fish won't eat.

    100 gallon. Snowflake clowns. 2 of them. I'm about to go grab some ghost. I just want him to eat. He doesn't come up to the top but he does get moving.
  18. Kristin1234

    Dwarf lion fish won't eat.

    I'm hoping the clown will grow at a steady rate and stay a step ahead of him. I will be sad that day I came home and see his tail fins hanging out. I'm also just hopi g since this dwarf is so young he will just leave it alone. Wishful thinking? Probably. Will the ghost hide from him or will...
  19. Kristin1234

    Dwarf lion fish won't eat.

    Well my local lfs sells them. How many ghost should I buy and how many do i put in at once? He hasn't eaten since Saturday, he seems hungry. He stalks my clown who is almost twice his size lol. It worried me for a bit but I'm scared of him starving!!
  20. Kristin1234

    Dwarf lion fish won't eat.

    I wish I could post a pic of this little guy. He's quite fancy.