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  1. aduvall

    New tank is up and running

    Well... There you go!
  2. aduvall

    New tank is up and running

    You probably clicked "watch this thread"
  3. aduvall

    snail acclimation.

    Why not styrofoam?
  4. aduvall

    Starry Blenny interesting behavior...

    So my Starry Blenny (as I have said in other threads) has decided it would be awesome to occasionally be a bully. I'm pretty sure he did in my Goby, and he occasionally postures around my Flame and Hoevan's Wrasse. Recently I've seen him do a "swim by" and hit his tail against the sand. I've...
  5. aduvall

    snail acclimation.

    I generally put them in a bucket with their old water. Then I slow drip acclimate for about 45 min. I take out a cup of water and keep slow dripping for about 15 more. Then I take out another cup or 2 of water and speed up the drip for the next 30 minutes. Then I do 2 more cups and faster...
  6. aduvall

    Starting a 55 gallon tank

    When did you describe that earlier? Another thread? Or am I totally blind and missing it?
  7. aduvall

    Quarantine Tanks? Yes or No?

    Most everyone here is going to tell you that you need a qt.
  8. aduvall

    Questions about livestock to add

    Number of fish depends on size, aggression level, feeding habits, and ammount of poop. lol
  9. aduvall

    Chromis are peaceful, ha!

    Jay I feel like we've had this talk before!
  10. aduvall

    Dead seahorse

    So sorry! Prayers for you and your mom.
  11. aduvall

    Dead seahorse

    So sorry! Prayers for you and your mom.
  12. aduvall

    New guy with 55g questions

    First post?
  13. aduvall

    Dead seahorse

    So sorry! I know it's not the same, but I felt like that when my first flame died.... What are you going to do if not horses?
  14. aduvall

    Starting a 55 gallon tank

    You've taught me more than a thing or two already!!
  15. aduvall

    New guy with 55g questions

    That's impressive, once those dudes start carving out territory it's gonna be another story!!!
  16. aduvall

    New guy with 55g questions

    I had a Red Knobby and it ate pieces of shrimp or frozen squid
  17. aduvall

    Smaller place, bigger tank...My 200DD build

    Love this list!
  18. aduvall

    Starting a 55 gallon tank

    ^ Did not know that. I've heard that about flames, but never Chromis. Mine didn't die immediately, they took about 5-6 months, I was a newb and didn't know what was going on. Now I'm fairly certain they were going after one another.
  19. aduvall

    Filtration for my 75 gallon long

    ^ yes... that.
  20. aduvall

    New guy with 55g questions

    I'd feel worse if everything died and he got depressed!