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  1. mauler

    converting freshwater tank to salt

    Im not a fan of the kole tangs
  2. mauler

    converting freshwater tank to salt

    Anything can work as QT tank right? And also what about the triggers is it possible to have bursa and a Picasso trigger together
  3. mauler

    converting freshwater tank to salt

    Yeah but wouldn't the trigger snack on him and how well would a bursa and Picasso trigger do together?
  4. mauler

    converting freshwater tank to salt

    And is it possible to keep more than one trigger if so would my tank be big enough?
  5. mauler

    converting freshwater tank to salt

    Is a QT tank the only way to tell if there's ick present?
  6. mauler

    converting freshwater tank to salt

    Alright so I understand that the shrimp isn't a ick miracle worker and I'm sure I can even get one cause I do want a trigger and snowflake eel I read about a cleaner wrasse does he do the same as the shrimp? And how common is ick with tangs are there any factors that increase of decrease the...
  7. mauler

    converting freshwater tank to salt

    Would the shrimp last cause I'm also planning to get a trigger and snowflake eel and how often do tangs get ick?
  8. mauler

    converting freshwater tank to salt

    Nope it was empty but now there's sand and rocks. I also have a question what are some tangs I could put in my tank? I was thinking a orange shoulder or lieutenant tang
  9. mauler

    converting freshwater tank to salt

    Is there a preferred brand?
  10. mauler

    converting freshwater tank to salt

    Good and is it worth the extra money to get live sand?
  11. mauler

    converting freshwater tank to salt

    Alright good I thought I messed up already
  12. mauler

    converting freshwater tank to salt

    I thought you only had to pre mix once you had fish in there cause I added it to a completely empty tank
  13. mauler

    converting freshwater tank to salt

    Alright I thought there was something wrong with my salt so that's a relief
  14. mauler

    converting freshwater tank to salt

    I added salt to my tank last night and the water is still murky is that normal
  15. mauler

    converting freshwater tank to salt

    Do they have like a master kit cause all I'm seeing is individual tests like one for nitrite one nitrates exc.....
  16. mauler

    converting freshwater tank to salt

    Ill do just that and what's a good test kit?
  17. mauler

    converting freshwater tank to salt

    Im not in any hurry but how do you know when the whole curing cycle is over
  18. mauler

    converting freshwater tank to salt

    And do I need to buy all of it live already or can I get 10lbs of live rock, 20lbs of live sand and just cure the rest?
  19. mauler

    converting freshwater tank to salt

    How much live sand and rock is enough?
  20. mauler

    converting freshwater tank to salt

    Whats that like a timer? And for my filtration I was gonna use mainly macroalgae but I also have two HOBs that I could use