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  1. kylev

    280g FOWLR Tank Diary

    So kinda dissapointed, My LFS had a 3-4" achilles on his list that I was gonna get straight from him last night at midnight but it didnt come with the order...
  2. kylev

    Show of ur dog or doggies thread!!!!

    Thanks Flower and ya they can be pretty intimidating. I love your Shephards, they are great dogs!
  3. kylev

    Show of ur dog or doggies thread!!!!

    Here's Kali, my dobie she's a 2.5 hrs old, the shephards are my brothers dogs Elli (3.5 years) and Hades who is around 5-6 months I believe
  4. kylev

    280g FOWLR Tank Diary

    hahaha nice spam
  5. kylev

    starting up a 26 gallon reef (again ! )

    Nice work
  6. kylev

    bam bam zoas

    two frags for 20 bucks seems like a good deal to me, I'd buy them!
  7. kylev

    280g FOWLR Tank Diary

    Thanks RC, I picked up two lamps today and ordered some bulbs online cause I couldnt find any I liked at home depot.
  8. kylev

    280g FOWLR Tank Diary

    It's a macro glo refugium light, its pretty weak. I used to use a 24" coralife T5 but it stopped working on me. Any reconmendations for a good refugium light?
  9. kylev

    280g FOWLR Tank Diary

    I think your seeing the bubbles from the overflow line
  10. kylev

    interesting trip to *****

    I have a ***** around me that has a saltwater section that was really surprising as well. The guy working the department was very knowledagle and was even running some of his own equipment to keep corals healthy. All their fish and corals seemed happy. They even had some really nice ORA sps...
  11. kylev

    280g FOWLR Tank Diary

    Here's a recent pic of my sump, any improvement suggestions??? All my chaeto has recently died in my refuge, should I replace it, try something else to grow or LS? Would the side with the live rock be better off completely full? I've also starting running chemi-elite carbon and have notice a...
  12. kylev

    280g FOWLR Tank Diary

    The tanks doing great! Almost every coral I try has shown great growth. I've had a lot more success with lps and sps than I'd ever imagined I would so I keep slowly trying more. Duncans, acans, frogspawn, torch, blastoids, montepora, digitata, clams, elegance, brains, anemones, dendrophyllia...
  13. kylev

    Pest Removal Help

    I have a flame wrasse in there, should she be helping with the problem and is just slacking? I used joes juice to kill what I found out to be the majano which has worked pretty well so far.
  14. kylev

    Pest Removal Help

    I got inpatient and just ripped out the small feather duster looking critters but still am curious if anyone has a way to get rid of the other guys
  15. kylev

    280g FOWLR Tank Diary

    Thanks, RC
  16. kylev

    Ordered another Derasa

    I had to remove my lemonpeel a while back he loved terrorizing zoas. My flame doesnt touch anything though including clams. Great additions Meowzer! I've always thought about some blue reef chromis
  17. kylev

    So far so good, 6 tangs, 2 angles, and some friends

    Tanks looking awesome! The achilles looks great, i'm still on the hunt for one. And I guess if I ever want to complain about cleaning my tank I can just think about you
  18. kylev

    RANDOM pictures

    Pictures look great!!!!
  19. kylev

    Pest Removal Help

    Anyone know how I kill these guys without spreading them? Not sure if they are really considered a pest but I dont like either of them, one i believe is pagoda (inside the zoas) and the other some tube worms (taking out some zoas)??? Thanks
  20. kylev

    280g FOWLR Tank Diary

    Anyone know how I kill these pests in the pictures easily and without spreading them? One I believe is pagoda and the other some tube worm??? Thanks