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  1. lionfish

    What kind of eel will go with a shark?

    LionFish says..... Being that you will have sharks you can put the more aggressive eels in the tank with it. You can have a snowflake or chainlink, which are the smaller and more peaceful eels with a Horn shark. Where as, you can get a Tesselata or Jewel Moray or Zebra Moray with the Bamboo...
  2. lionfish

    Wondering size for shark tank!!!

    LionFish says...... You're definitely gonna want to get a 300 gallon tank. Although, hron sharks can live in smaller tank, I would recommend the 300. Especially if you are thinking about Bamboos. They're cool and if you have the space get the 300, you won't regret it. You always have to look at...
  3. lionfish

    juvenille clown trigger

    LionFish says...... Glad to hear everything went well. is a very good place to order from, or so I have been told. I am hoping to order some clean up packages from here in the future for my new reef. It must be a big relief that he is already eating. That seems to be the biggest...
  4. lionfish

    Just fed my triggers guppies!

    LionFish says...... Quite frankly, I don't think any of you can say that you don't find feeding live food to be entertaining. I know I do. But, it is wrong to do it for entertainment. Dgs- hope ya don't take offense to this but I feed 10 dozen guppies to my freshwater Archers and cichlids every...
  5. lionfish

    Your Opinion??????

    LionFish says...... Well, I would think that WW3 would break out in that tank. When you have two highly territorial fish together that get to be 10 or more inches easily, all hell could break loose in that tank. So, I guess my answer would be no. Clowns tend to be one of the most aggressive...
  6. lionfish

    what food for a Loinfish!!

    LionFish says...... Fresh is always best but thawed seems to work good too. I used thawed a lot because I don't like having to be fresh ones every week. Thawed lasts longer and seems to be fine for all my lions. The trigger, Tusk, and Blackcap Basslet like it too.
  7. lionfish

    Lionfish & Pufferlover, And anyone else with input

    LionFish says...... Althoug, I have had a few hexagon tanks in the past, I would recommend that you don't put a lion in it. This is because a hexagon tank is tall where as most tanks are shorter and longer. Lions aren't what you call the most active swimmers around but they do swim a bit during...
  8. lionfish

    *POLL* Everyone anwser!!

    LionFish says..... Every 2 weeks. Seems to work best for now in the reef. I cahnge my big tanks once every month.
  9. lionfish

    dwarf not eating

    LionFish says..... Well, the best thing to feed lions is a varied diet. The lion will eventually eat, I'm sure but you must try something first. You should get a feeder stich and attach the food to the end to make the food look alive. It seems to work quite well for most people. Move the feeder...
  10. lionfish

    what food for a Loinfish!!

    LionFish says...... A basic diet of shrimp, chopped squid, krill, silversides, and mussel meat can keep your lion in good health. Of course you don't have to feed all of that. But it is recommended to feed at least 3 different foods to provide a varied diet which is healthy for the lion. Avoid...
  11. lionfish


    LionFish says...... Well, they are from the Damsel family and they can have a nasty attitude towards just about anything. I knew they were illegal but to get one all the way up here in Michigan is pretty amazing. Please tell me you didn't get it from The Pet Station up there. They will sell you...
  12. lionfish

    How big can a toad fish get?

    LionFish says...... Yep, these "little" fellas are also known as Orange Ruffies. And I know some folks that have eaten them too. They say they're pretty good. They look like they should taste nasty. Trey is correct and I am sure of it as I have taken notes on them in the past. You don't wanna...
  13. lionfish

    Can i lionfish die of over eating?

    LionFish says..... Yes, it can happen, however the chances are slim to nill. You aint got much to worry about as those suckers can take in a whole bunch of food. Although, by feeding so much you could cause some serious internal digestive problems. It isn't good to have a stomach ache but when...
  14. lionfish

    Picasso and Damsel

    LionFish says...... Well as far as I am concerned I hate Damsels. I wouldn't keep one in my tank for all the money in the world because they are a waste of time and money as they enjoy hurting other fish and when you try to catch them you have to tear the tank apart. Ha, I have a bunch of...
  15. lionfish

    Community Tank

    LionFish says...... Well, to be truthful, I think you need to do some serious reading. You will be overcrowding the tank with that many fish. Seems to me that you are rather new to the saltwater hobby and it is not at all like freshwater as saltwater fish need much more room. I would suggest...
  16. lionfish


    LionFish says....... Nothing! As of this point why do you need to get any fish? If you are upgrading in a month then just wait until it cycles to get a new fish. It makes no sense to crowd a 45 gallon for a month when you could just be patient and wait till ya get the other tank up. Just my...
  17. lionfish

    I've changed my mind on the trigger tank...

    LionFish says....... Darn, only one kind? Oh well, I would definitely recommend a Dwarf Lion as they fit with those fish very well. Some one here keeps warning people that triggers can eat the lions fins when they are older which is true but very rare. So don't worry about the trigger and the...
  18. lionfish

    I've changed my mind on the trigger tank...

    LionFish says...... Well, I have no idea how experienced you are but those last 2 fish are very difficult to keep alive and are prone to diseases. Definitely avoid getting a Regal Angel because it wouldn't do well with the trigger and they are extremely difficult to keep alive as they need food...
  19. lionfish

    stocking question??? need opinions..

    LionFish says..... Not possible bud. The Puffer would definitely eat the all. They are more reef related and they do need good lighting. Most require 5 watts per galloon and some need even more. I would not try it.
  20. lionfish

    Another Lion Question

    LionFish says..... Well I'm the big lionfish around here and I bet you can't tell that I like them. Well, I currently have a Black Volitan in my 125 with an Antennata and a Picasso Trigger. In my 70 gallon I have a Dwraf Lion with a Harlequin Tusk. So I know them quite well. But you are gonna...