Search results

  1. paulcoates

    Thinking of upgrading my tank

    I currently have a 55 gallon iwth 100 pounds of live rock and a live sand bed. Just curious, how much would a stand an aquarium cost me for a: 125 gallon 150 gallon 200 gallon Would it be smarter for me to buy a tank and stand used? Thanks in advance
  2. paulcoates

    Need to replace skimmer...what is everyone using

    Originally Posted by dieselndix So I started with a Sea Clone (100 or 150 cant remember) Anyway, it works one day, then nothing the next....maybe its not dialed in right, but I am moving on regardless. What should I go with for a 55g reef setup with 25g sump.... would I notice a difference if I...
  3. paulcoates

    What is the best reef store in Richmond/Glen Allen area?

    I found another place that is pretty nice called Atlantis Aquarium. Tiny little place, but the guy has an amzing 650 gallon tank as soon as you walk in the door
  4. paulcoates

    Moving Sale in West Chester PA

    I'll pass...the tank and live rock alone is worth that.
  5. paulcoates

    Advice on moving a 55 gallon reef tank

    thanks for the help. I tried to sell and start over but I just couldnt find any bidders to take the tank in one fell swoop. And since I am on the road M-F now with my new job, it makes it difficult to ship all of these items individually. Has anyone ever just taken their livestock and placed...
  6. paulcoates

    Advice on moving a 55 gallon reef tank

    I am moving it approximately 250 miles with about 110 lbs of live rock, 15 corals, 6 fish, a shrimp and a crab Any advice is appreciated. I am think of getting a small 10 gallon tank for the fish, a big tote for the corals and a few other...
  7. paulcoates

    Moving Sale in West Chester PA

    last bump....if no takers, then I guess I'll be transporting this down to Richmond
  8. paulcoates

    Moving Sale in West Chester PA

  9. paulcoates

    Moving Sale in West Chester PA

  10. paulcoates

    Moving Sale in West Chester PA

  11. paulcoates

    What is the best reef store in Richmond/Glen Allen area?

    Thanks in advance
  12. paulcoates

    Moving Sale in West Chester PA

    I think it is an Eclipse tank 55 Gallon tank with Stand Corallife 4x65 (50/50-10k) with Moonlights Are you local? Are you interested in buying the whole thing? Or just the lights?
  13. paulcoates

    Moving Sale in West Chester PA

  14. paulcoates

    Moving Sale in West Chester PA

    You will be getting this too: 110 lbs of live rock 1 Yellow Tang 2 False Clowns 1 Pseudocromis 1 Longnose Hawkfish 1 Yellow Tail Damsel 1 Emerald Crab 1 Coral Banded Shrimp 1 Bubble Coral 1 Cats Eyes Coral 3 or 4 Separate Rocks with Fire Polyps on them 2 or 3 Separate Rocks with Fiji Polyps on...
  15. paulcoates

    Moving Sale in West Chester PA

    I am looking to get rid of everything in one whole shot - pickup only. Otherwise, I guiess I'll try transporting this down to Richmond, VA with my relocation