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  1. paulcoates

    Aqua C Remora Hang-on skimmer FS

    Puffer, I am moving to Richmond Va, and I am looking to sell some stuff. Would you be interested. I am basically dismantling my wntire tank becuase I am afraid that everything would die.... Let me know paulcoates - hotmail . com
  2. paulcoates

    What kind of snails are on my Live Rock?

    It is Walt Smith live rock. The rock has been in my tank for about a year now
  3. paulcoates

    What kind of snails are on my Live Rock?

    looks just like an astrea shell but these snails are about the size of a head of a qtip. The shell is white with tiny little red swirls on it
  4. paulcoates

    How many times should a reef tank turn over??

    No offense, but that is some bad math you're doing 2x400 bio wheel 800 2x280 bio wheel 540 3 x295 maxi jets 585 Adding a skimmer 300 2x400 bio wheel 800 2x280 bio wheel 560 3 x295 maxi jets 885 Adding a skimmer 300 The correct total would be 2545GPH
  5. paulcoates

    What kind of snails are on my Live Rock?

    They are tiny and have shells that almost look like candy cane (red and white striped)
  6. paulcoates

    Help me move my tank from Pa to TX!!

    let me know if you decide to sell the corals what corals do you have in your tank? how much live rock do you have?
  7. paulcoates

    Help me move my tank from Pa to TX!!

    Puffer, This must be a last minute move? I remember just a few months ago you were setting this tank up. When are you moving? Paul
  8. paulcoates

    125 gal system and 150lb LR in allentown pa

    Denny, How much for the tank, stand, and canopy? What kind of lights are in the tank? what are the dimensions of the tank?
  9. paulcoates

    adding tangs

    I would not suggest a mandarin for your tank unless you have a sump or refugium that can constntly supply it with pods. Otherwise, it will die How about something simple lioke a firefish. They are cool looking, inexpensive and fairly easy to keep.
  10. paulcoates

    another name?

    (well, if you look at the fish part of this very website) Algae Blenny or Salarias fasciatus Taken from another website Notes: An excellent housekeeper for your reef aquarium this Blenny will eat a wide variety of hair and string algae. Sometimes called by other names Lawnmower suits this fish...
  11. paulcoates

    corals...too soon?

    I would also suggest getting more Live Rock for your tank but make sure you cure it separately (in another tank or rubbermaid container)
  12. paulcoates

    corals...too soon?

    Clamdigger, No offense here, but you are jumping in way too fast. Let your tank age and that will help with the stability of your tank along with doing water top offs (use Distilled or RO/DI water only) and at least a monthly water change.
  13. paulcoates

    adding tangs

    The two will get along fine, however the minimum recommended tank size for a Blonde Naso is 125 gallons: Blonde Naso Tang (Naso lituratus) Stats Maximum Length: 18.1 in. Care Level: Moderate Family: Acanthuridae Reef Compatibility: Excellent Minimum Aquarium Size: 125 gal. Range: Indian Ocean...
  14. paulcoates

    Wanting to do the reef tank ThAnG

    I havea 55 gallon reef tank and run 260 watt power compacts 4x65w (2 10k and 2 actinic)
  15. paulcoates

    Tangs in a Reef

  16. paulcoates

    Tangs in a Reef

    How much food will these guys go through a day also? I wold think that they would go through the algae on the live rock very quickly. Would I need to just hang Seaweed Sheets everyday for the fish to nibble on?
  17. paulcoates

    Tangs in a Reef

    Will all these fish get together? What other type of tang is a zebramosa
  18. paulcoates

    Tangs in a Reef

    I have a 55 right now and I am looking to upgrade my tank. Right now in my tank I have about 110 lbs of live rock and the following fish: 1 Longnose Hawkfish 1 Yellow Tail Damsel 1 Yellow Tang 1 Firefish 2 Ocellaris Clowns What size tank would I need to have in order to house the above fish and...
  19. paulcoates

    New pics!

  20. paulcoates

    New pics!
