corals...too soon?


I have a 55 reef about 2 months in... I'm seeing a diatom problem because I recently changed to a dual sat 260watt lighting system, but I understand that it will go away. I have a yellow tang,percula clown, green chromis,two damsels, and a blue hippo I lost a coral beauty.....I desperatly want corals, but I'm scared to spend the $$$$$$ what should I get??????? Oh I have 35lbs of new fiji rock, and about 25lbs of "dead" rock. Thanx


Active Member
You have too many fish in that tank. If you add corals they might not do so hot, because of too much fish pee. That said, you could start with some of the "easier corals" like mushrooms and leathers.


Active Member
Diatom blooms can't occur unless you provide silicates for their shells. This is usually accomplished by topping off or doing water changes with tapwater or poorly filtered water. If you are doing either of these, stop and your diatom problem should go away in a couple of weeks.
I agree with wax32 that you have WAY too many fish in your tank. Tangs need at least a 55 gallon tank to themselves. Also, if you want to keep tangs with other fish you will generally want to keep them in groups of three in a 6 foot long tank or bigger. If you keep a lone tang with other fish, it will usually attack them.
As wax said, mushroom corals are a good starter coral. Star polyps are a good starter as well.
ps- make sure you have a good cleaning crew of hermit crabs and snails. Turbo snails eat diatoms like lawnmowers eat grass.


Member NO more fish!!! Got it. I should be fine with inverts right???(nudibranch, brittle star,) how about clams??....Thank you again


i wouldnt suggest clams, with that amount of lightin... clams do much better and are worth the money, if you have strong MH running on them.. i would steer clear of clams for now, stick with shrooms, leathers, and maybe some zoo's...


No offense here, but you are jumping in way too fast. Let your tank age and that will help with the stability of your tank along with doing water top offs (use Distilled or RO/DI water only) and at least a monthly water change.


I would also suggest getting more Live Rock for your tank but make sure you cure it separately (in another tank or rubbermaid container)