Aqua C Remora Hang-on skimmer FS 1 year old converting to in sump skimmer. $100 + shipping
meemmoo Member Mar 3, 2006 #1 Aqua C Remora Hang-on skimmer FS 1 year old converting to in sump skimmer. $100 + shipping
potter New Member Mar 4, 2006 #3 What powerhead does it have? Does it have a collection cup and skimmer box with it? Thanks!
paulcoates Member Mar 14, 2006 #7 Puffer, I am moving to Richmond Va, and I am looking to sell some stuff. Would you be interested. I am basically dismantling my wntire tank becuase I am afraid that everything would die.... Let me know paulcoates - hotmail . com
Puffer, I am moving to Richmond Va, and I am looking to sell some stuff. Would you be interested. I am basically dismantling my wntire tank becuase I am afraid that everything would die.... Let me know paulcoates - hotmail . com
drizcol Member Mar 14, 2006 #8 Im interested in this skimmer! can you send me aome pics? Thanks Sean
fishsta Member Mar 22, 2006 #10 if you havent sold the skimmer yet I will buy it! I live in VA. Please get back to me asap. Thanks
vic2367 Member Mar 23, 2006 #11 if u still have the skimmer could u please email me a pic? pay via paypal immediadtely,,,thanks,,
if u still have the skimmer could u please email me a pic? pay via paypal immediadtely,,,thanks,,