i know yall have probably heard this a hundred times but i was wondering if i could have a small majestic,blueface and asfur angel in a 100 gallon with a purple tang and salfin tang and both tangs are about 1.5 to 2.5 in
so my tank is not maxed i just cant add bigger fish but wouldn't the purple and salfin pick on the cardinals and anthias also could i add a 3-4 in majestic angel because my friend is taking down his tank and he said i could just have it
i was just wondering if i could add a 5 in naso tang to my already establish
100 gallon its current inhabitats are a 3 in dogface a 2 purple tang a 2 in salfin tang and 2 small dimond gobys
i like the peacock mantis so they are active day and night ? i think i will ask my fish store if they can get them in and how expensive they are but what do they eat and do they have to have any special care?
i just feed it to him frozen and on the half shell they look really mean but there about as mean as a blue throat trigger but it always depends on the individual fish
they just get ick fairly easily but its usully goes away qickly with proper medications i dont know about other peoples though and i know its not the water cause i check every week and i fed lots of diffent stuff