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  1. saltfinsax

    This Thing Is Evil Looking!!!!

    Need better pic. looks like a melted chunck of plastic with gears around the shaft opening to me. More pics plz
  2. saltfinsax

    Firefish fighting

    I had one and he started to hide from my yellow tang,so I got him a partner to hang with hopping it would bring out. Well it worked and thay where best buds, even sleep next to each other. Then after about 3 months the first one I had has chased the other off to the corner of the tank. Why and...
  3. saltfinsax

    Acrylic scraches

    I am setting up a little 30gal frag tank I got 6 months ago and i am trying buff the scraches out with car rubbing compound. Is there a better way to remove most them? Not after a perfect clear, mostly just trying to make it so it will clean easer.
  4. saltfinsax

    My new blasto

    Nice, I like it. What did you have to pay for it?
  5. saltfinsax

    Coral Banded and cleaner shrimp?

    I have both in my 120 and the cleaner just keeps away from easy. All these two shrimp seem to do is try and steal the food from all my corals. I am about to try and put a Pepperment in for the Aiptasia, but I am sure he will work on all the dusters that are getting out of hand anyways.
  6. saltfinsax

    shrimp combos

    I have a CBS and a cleaner shrimp in my tank and was thinking of getting a pepperment to go after them small aiptasia that I can't reach. I know that CBS will chase my cleaner if they get close but the cleaner is just to fast. Will the cleaner bother the peppement?
  7. saltfinsax

    Devilhand help

    I got this thing a couple week ago and never noticed the white spots on him in the store. in the two weeks he has realy started open up well but the white spots seem to have started to grow in the last week. In the pics you can see he looks good but a couple of the fingers look to allmost be...
  8. saltfinsax

    over flow noise

    If you talking about the bottom drain in your overflow box. I was told to put some 90% fittings on them. This seem to realy seem to stop the draining noise. If its the pipe itself thats making the noise under the tank, I would try some differnt type of pipe or wraping it with some foam inslation.
  9. saltfinsax

    What is this?? I am clueless

    If there moving I would say there flatworms.
  10. saltfinsax

    Anybody in Oregon

    I am here in Vancouver, but thats still a ways from you. Gas is getting cheep now so a drive North isen't all that bad. There is a couple good lfs in Portland.
  11. saltfinsax

    Help with T5 bulbs

    Most places I have seen have a price of 20 to 25, is that about the going price on good bulbs?
  12. saltfinsax

    Help with T5 bulbs

    Thanks a bunch guys, now if I can find a good place to find bulb's. How soon do you change these better balb's?
  13. saltfinsax

    Help with T5 bulbs

    I have a 72" Nove Extreme pro that I got 6months ago and my Sps's arent doing well. I have heard the current bulbs that it comes with are crap and blamming my problems on the bulbs. What is the best combo of bulb's that you T5 people have found that looks nice and have good growth? Do I need to...
  14. saltfinsax

    Bright orange dots on my live rock

    I'f your talking about bright orange allmost floresent spots, I get the same thing. Thay show up alot when the daylights light turns off and seem to stay in the same spot for a couple days and are gone. I kinda thing that its a algae that has a zoealgae with floresent stuff. I am sure someone...
  15. saltfinsax

    what in the world is this..

    I can't tell the shape for sure in the pic, kinda looks T shaped. I would say it's some kinda flatworm. Keep it bowl or something and change the water till you find out what it is. And don't touch it or put your tounge on it. /snicker
  16. saltfinsax

    New project

    To me, it seems you will be cramped in the room you need after you have lights and room to mess with stuff in the tank. What will you do to protect the stuff on the bottom of you stair landing and the post that supports it. Now if you start looking to do glass part way up and make a Tidepool...
  17. saltfinsax

    tried to get....

    Feed all fish, shrimp and any others that might steal from first till there full and then feed corals. My cleaner shrimp is a pest this way and I have to stuff him and still keep a eye on him. My CBS does this as well at late night feedings.
  18. saltfinsax

    Coral ID

    Nice looking coral for being green. What did it cost you? and what did the seller call it?
  19. saltfinsax

    Your coolest hitch hiker

    Ok had to get mine in here. When I first seen him he was a little smaller then a dime and I thought he was a Gorilla . being that his claws looked pointy. Could never catch the little bugger and after a couple molts (beiing that thats all I mostly seen of him), now he is a cool looking crap that...
  20. saltfinsax

    ID Please

    Yea nice stoma, good color and has tentacle on its back. Wife and I was looking at the tank the other day and the largest one stood up on its tail in front of the PH and started squirting out eggs, allways fun to see stuff like that.