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  1. helpme74

    How to change tanks....

    Yes that will be ok
  2. helpme74

    Kh a little high

    The KH will go down but try to keep it 12-14 and the Calcium-400-450
  3. helpme74

    Post Your Green Chromis Schooling Photos!

    I have 3 in my 75 tank
  4. helpme74

    Egg Crate Tops on tank

    A chiller
  5. helpme74

    Coralife Metal Halide Question

    I have this light 48" Coralife Aqualight Pro on my 75 and it was the best money i ever spent get it
  6. helpme74

    The luckiest person ever.

    I purchased a chiller and they sent me two I sold the other one for half off to someone at
  7. helpme74

    AmerenUE bill

    I think my coil is clogged because my air flow is low. Because I stuck a window unit in and it lowered the temperature more then my central unit when it’s on.
  8. helpme74

    Lighting for a 75 gallon

    Aqualight Pro HQI/Compact Fluorescent/Lunar Light Fixture 48" 492W .It has two 150 watt MH . I have a 75 gallon tank and this light rocks . I can have anything I want in my tank.
  9. helpme74

    AmerenUE bill

    Thanks for all your help
  10. helpme74

    RO/DI Unit?

    drop me an email i will give you a site subject : RODI
  11. helpme74

    covering the top of the tank, i need less Evaporation.

    this is what i got over my tank
  12. helpme74

    AmerenUE bill

    I run my ac all the time even with the ac on for the last 4 months my apartment bill was only about 75.00 a month
  13. helpme74

    AmerenUE bill

    1607 kilowatt $132.48 with out tax
  14. helpme74

    AmerenUE bill

    it doesn't say
  15. helpme74

    AmerenUE bill

    My normal bill is 70.00 a month . I got this bill and it was 140.00. I didn't change anything but the light.
  16. helpme74

    AmerenUE bill

    I have this light i'm trying to find out how much more my bill will be every month? Space-saving unit performs the job of three different fixtures. Combines 10000°K HQI double-ended metal halide, actinic blue compact fluorescent, and 1 watt Lunar Blue-Moon-Glow LED lamps in a low profile...
  17. helpme74

    Coralife 48" 4x65 260 Watt Power Compact

    No problem!!! Thanks again
  18. helpme74

    Coralife 48" 4x65 260 Watt Power Compact

    Both lights are sold !!! Tracking number sent you got mail
  19. helpme74

    Koralia 3 or 4 for 75G

    No magnet issues works good the magnet is a suction cup
  20. helpme74

    Seachem Reef Advantage Calcium

    Can I add a little Seachem Reef Advantage Calcium with my top off water I have a 5 gallon water jug attached to my water auto top off system? If i do this do i have to shack the water to keep it mixed up?