Search results

  1. heartben

    Anyone selling chaeto?

    im fairly new on the forum, but i could really use some chaeto as well. ive been asking on other forums but no one will reply to me. pm me if anyone has enough to pass around
  2. heartben

    please help me :-D

    1! i took a closer look.. i dont think its algea its like a ball with little legs stickin out all over the place. they look like they might be alive, but they are pretty big so.. idk 2.. i do, i dont know what they are right this sec though. do you think something could be outta whack? could...
  3. heartben

    please help me :-D

    hellooo.. i have a few random things im asking for help with. first, i have a 55 gallon tank - just so ya know i have these little white/cream colored spots on my glass that look like...fuzzy spiders. they dont move or anything. i THINK they are just some sort of algae...they almost look like...
  4. heartben

    Best 1st Skimmer, 75G Tank, Sub-$100?

    do any of you guys want to hook me up with a skimmer? if no ones gotten rid of ANYTHING they dont want, i would gladly pay for shipping for it. i just started a few weeks ago, so i need all the help i can get! PM me or send me an email ( orrr IM me on AIM at : theheartben...