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  1. goobe

    30 Gallon reef

  2. goobe

    30 Gallon reef

    i took a few more shots since im pretty bored
  3. goobe

    30 Gallon reef

    i only have 5 fish in my tank also 2 clowns lawnmower blenny yellow tang striped damsel
  4. goobe

    30 Gallon reef

    lol the tangs about 3 inchs still a baby. seems perfectly happy in the tank
  5. goobe

    30 Gallon reef

    yep, im holding for a friend of mine.
  6. goobe

    30 Gallon reef

    Quote: Originally Posted by Blackjacktang very nice tank. I love the way you put the T5 on the tank. hahah yeah , i need to hang it but the blocks of woods i stole from Nike lol thanks for all the comments guys! i need to get my sister SLR and take some good pics of the SPS's
  7. goobe

    30 Gallon reef

    Thought this was a really cool pic. Amazing fixture i recomend it to anyone!
  8. goobe

    30 Gallon reef

    Hey guy, So ive been in the saltwater game for about over a year now. Ive made my mistakes with lghting , filtration, fine sand, and pests. Ive lost lots of corals and fish. I finaly think my tanks nice enough for a post! . Tank Specs Display: 30 gallon Breeder Lighting: ATI Sunpower 6x24w T5HO...
  9. goobe

    Katsafado's first ever 10g SW tank(nano)

    dude you broke the light ! how did that happen
  10. goobe

    Katsafado's first ever 10g SW tank(nano)

    im glad you like it pic it up
  11. goobe

    Katsafado's first ever 10g SW tank(nano)

    Hey the lights reflector is 7X6 inches here are some pics i took quickly before i put it back in its box
  12. goobe

    Katsafado's first ever 10g SW tank(nano)

    i had a fan blowing across the water and never had a problem with high temps
  13. goobe

    Katsafado's first ever 10g SW tank(nano)

    Hey heres the light Aquatic life swing arm fixture 150W it came with a 10k bulb but 2 months ago i switched it to 20k. ill let the ppl here help you out with deciding if its to powerful for a 10 gal. i used it on my 20 and my 36 heres a pic of my 36 gallon here are some of the corals ive been...
  14. goobe

    Nike's 34g DSA Neo-Nano

    Hey, i just saw that you bought the same fixture as me. What colour bulbs did you pic out?
  15. goobe

    Katsafado's first ever 10g SW tank(nano)

    Hey i just ordered a ATI 6X24 fixture and im planning on selling my 150W single MH fixture PM me if your interested oh the bulbs 20k
  16. goobe

    lots of sps help please!

    Im Pretty new into the SPS scene and im still messing around with tank. But i found that the reason my SPS were losing colour wasnt from Flow or Lighting it was the Phosphates in the water. bought a Phosban Reactor and the colour and polps started to come back.   worked for me . just my 2 cents
  17. goobe

    Thoughts on a Deltec MCE 600

    Thanks for the imput.   over the next few months im planing on "downgrading my 36 gallon to a 34 gallon solana. Changing my K3 and K1 to a Vortech MP10 and hopfully buying the skimmer.   Does anyone suggest when i buy the MP10 to keep a koralia also in the tank or will it screw up the wave maker...
  18. goobe

    Thoughts on a Deltec MCE 600

    The title says it all. what are ppls thoughts on the Deltec MCE 600 im looking into buying one, ive heard its one of the best HOB skimmers around. For 600$ id hope it would be good?   anyone have any pros and cons for this skimmer?
  19. goobe

    45 gallon perfecto

    anyone know anythign about this brand 45 gallon perfecto Cube im interested in buying this tank!
  20. goobe

    Katsafado's first ever 10g SW tank(nano)

    hey buddie just a heads up i found a small only saltwater fish store way better then big als. PM if you want the directions its a little ways from vaughn but 100 time better then vaughn big als woodbine and HWY7 closest intersection the guy sold me this for really cheap. got soo many SPS and...