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  1. gohabsgo

    Some sort of eclosion!!

    Today it is the second time in a month that i notice some kind of egg release in the tank,it came from a rock were my leather is on.I would like to take a picture it is exactly like microbuble and in 1h the 50gal was fill with it.The 6 line wrasse seem to like that alot!!(free fish food).I tried...
  2. gohabsgo

    New Foxface

    Realy nice fish!!! pics,pics,picsThat one is on my list too!Hope he does'nt stay shy too long,so you can take a pic for us!
  3. gohabsgo

    Check out my Midas Blenny!

    Realy nice pics and fish, mine bite me to,went i put my hand in the bag to put him in the dt
  4. gohabsgo

    Problem with Octopus BH-100 Protein Skimmer

    Tank you so much i will give it a try for sure,and will look foward beatting you on the ice when fall come around!!
  5. gohabsgo

    new midas blennie!!!

    Still shy!!He is in my new 82 bow front!!
  6. gohabsgo

    Water Changes

    Here in Montréal,lfs dont sell premix water,so we do our own! And another thing ,we cannot bring back fish to the lfs for store credit only for free and refund does not exist!LOL
  7. gohabsgo

    new midas blennie!!!

    Tanks!!!For now he's watching me watching him!!!I,ll post a pic when he goes out!!
  8. gohabsgo

    new midas blennie!!!

    Hi guys!! just bought this new guy yesterday and he still hide,i hope he is not like the firefish?Cant wait to him out and about!!!
  9. gohabsgo

    White sebae anemone!

    Oups!! forgot to say tanks guys!!!
  10. gohabsgo

    White sebae anemone!

    I read somes older post last night and learn that they were bleach, so 50$ for a unhealty anemone it's a bit expensive!!!I image that the pink tip haitien is the same?But i dont think it will do so great at that store because they have like 80 nitrate poor thing!!!
  11. gohabsgo

    White sebae anemone!

    I have been thinking of buying an anemone for a long time now,but today i saw a beautyful sebae (white with purple tip)but i end up not buyig it because it arrived yesterday in the store,so it mai look good today but in a week it could not do so good. I know i can call the store an ask to old it...
  12. gohabsgo

    How to setup ro/di unit

    Mine was suppose to do 100gpd but it is more like 10
  13. gohabsgo

    How to setup ro/di unit

    Hi guys!! Just a litle question,can someone tel me how much gallon of water your ro-di makes per day?I think mine is to slow!
  14. gohabsgo

    Problem with Octopus BH-100 Protein Skimmer

    At the store where i bought it they told me to put bioball in it to stop the microbuble but i dont realy want to do that because i am often going to clean the bioball!
  15. gohabsgo

    Problem with Octopus BH-100 Protein Skimmer

    yes the pump is inside the chamber,sorry my bad!
  16. gohabsgo

    Sixline with a fire shrimp

    i have a fire shrimp and two cleaner shrimp,i recenttly add a six line to my 50 gal tank,one of the cleaner shrimp can't stand the 6 line,every time he pass by her , she jump in the air and try to spouk him,it's funny to watch!But i never saw the 6 line bother the shrimp!!
  17. gohabsgo

    Problem with Octopus BH-100 Protein Skimmer

    attempt number 1
  18. gohabsgo

    Problem with Octopus BH-100 Protein Skimmer

    OMG!!! askin me to put up a pic ,i can try but i'am realy not good at this!!
  19. gohabsgo

    Problem with Octopus BH-100 Protein Skimmer

    hé!!!I have the same skimmer, i bought it 2 month ago and i cant get rid of the microbuble and i have to put the cup very hight because it gets full in no time.